


Riennä jo rimakauhu helvettiin

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.06.2010 16:51

BIIIG thanks to Ilkka & everyone at DLX Music for hosting a great Helsinki meet-n-greet, along with my Engl amp brethren that put all the pieces together to make these meet-n-greets happen. And especially everyone that came down today, great to meet (& greet) you all!! Spent 2 or 3 hours signing GNR albums & shirts, photos, B'foot albums, and then saw lots of familiar faces in the crowd at the show... was a pleasure playing for you all tonight :) And in Norway too... I wasn't in the best spirits at the Norway shows (nothing Norway-related), sometimes ya just can't bury what you feel - it's even tougher when you're trying to give yourself to the audience, it's like driving with both feet pressed hard on the gas and the brake simultaneously, ya burn up all your energy internally and can't take yourself where you need to go. Glad to have bandmates that can keep spirits lifted, for you and for me. Lookin' forward to coming back to Russia - toured there on my own in '04, '05... see ya's soon :)


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