
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.09.2006 17:59

He looks down on me
So, I will love him until I die
His face is his number one pride
Stupid motherfucker

He deceives me
No, actually heÂ’s being deceived by me
Go to hell and get the fuck out of my way
You baby boy

He respects me
Bet he doesnÂ’t want to admit it
DonÂ’t be spellbound be your weakness
Why donÂ’t you just go and kiss up to that ho

IÂ’m gonna hit you up with this here fresh
IÂ’m gonna hit you up with that there fresh

Here is the very best ballad for you
You drown in hypocritical sin
The very best ballad for you
The one I love and adore number-4

IÂ’m gonna hit you up with this here tower
IÂ’m gonna hit you up with that there tower


You, just living is a pollution
You, just living is a sin
You are living, So please die
You know me, I just shut my eyes to my own shortcomingsÂ… hehe

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