


Does this hairspray make me look fat?

- Your heart is like an engineMaanantai 20.12.2010 22:49

You ask why does Bill Kaulitz look like that? He does his hair like that because IÂ’m pretty sure there is no law that says he canÂ’t. He puts eyeliner on because thereÂ’s no law that says he canÂ’t. And he can pout his lips because thereÂ’s no law that says he canÂ’t. EVERYBODY is wearing skinny jeans these days soÂ…Hello? 21st century here? Artist with the SAME taste and the SAME looks and the SAME hair and the SAME jeans? Or artists who have wild imaginations? Whatever he will ever do, IÂ’m sure I will always love him just the way he is ♥


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