


tajunta laajenee kunnes se hajoaa

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

You don’t need to throw away everything and waver yourself.
We can be sparkling shining stars “Linda???

Pinky Heaven or Bloody Hell
It’s an abnormal game of “life” or “death’
Candy voice & Devil’s smile
Highkick in the your head

An unprecedented heresy geisha group, we appear like rowdies here.
Everybody, from young to old and men and women, their hearts are dancing. Deep bass storms surround the area.
They are in rough rhythm and awesomely enthusiastic like a bomb.
I’ll tell my what only to the audience with excellent sensitivity.

Let’s destroy rules made by adults and
dance until the sun comes up “Linda???
We spray out the spoiled world.

And shall we start from here, the new days???
We throw away everything. We aren’t afraid of anything.
We can be sparkling shining stars “Linda???

"Candy dive pinky Heaven???"

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