


Inside my head there is a wonderland. SieniSieniSieniSieniSieniSieniSieniiii.

.. <3 ?Torstai 18.04.2013 01:56

I need you
I miss you
I want you
I love you cause'
I wanna hold you
I wanna kiss you
You were my everything
And I really miss you..
I tried, I tried, I tried and I'm trying
Now on the inside it feels like I'm dying..

..Torstai 18.04.2013 01:03

Mä en vaa jaksa..

hevoset on silti kivoja c:Tiistai 16.04.2013 18:36

Nua vaa hevonen astu jalalle eilee,ja nyt on sitte 2 hiusmurtuma varvasta ja 1murtunu varvas, i-ha-naa.:D mut eihä se ny ollu sen hevosen vika, vaa iha oma ku ei ollu turvakenkiä, vaa tennarit :D GO ME! :D

au :cSunnuntai 24.03.2013 23:54

Tää tunne sattuu enemmän ku fyysinen kipu..

mau :cSunnuntai 24.03.2013 20:05

Ei voi olla todelllllllista.. ._. nyt on mun pää iha sekasin :c

:c <3

pyi :cKeskiviikko 20.03.2013 01:46

But I think it's too late now.. :'/

hey darling..Keskiviikko 20.03.2013 01:38

Voi ku kaikki vaan ois niinku silloi.. kertoisin sen kaiken sulle.. niinku mun ois pitäny tehä silloi.. kaikki ois toisin.. oisit mun.. <3

<3Maanantai 11.03.2013 00:25

In the darkest hour. Of the blackest night. The shadows twist and turn. As my demons start to emerge. I'm cloaked in all my sorrows. No light is shed I find i'm on my own. When darkness falls I fall with it. Into the dark abyss That I fall. I'm god's loney man I walk alone. When darkness falls I fall with it. Storm clouds form on bleak horizons. The only sound the patter of rain. In my hell all self created. All that I know is my own inner pain.

piu :'3Maanantai 18.02.2013 01:53

thihihi :3

Nobody's perfect.. :/Tiistai 25.12.2012 01:55

I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learned to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learned

I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah

I'm not a saint, no, not at all, but what I did, it wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never do that again to you, oh

Don't tell me you can't forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect, no.