


you better die young baby

{Omegle sekoiluu klo 01:45}Torstai 10.06.2010 04:46

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: dumbledore?
You: i'm here
You: harry?
Stranger: yes its harry
You: oh good. i touhgt that ur not comein'.
Stranger: dumbledore i havnt spoken to you in such a long time, have you not got my letters recently? my scar has been hurting so much
You: yea. that's why i asked you to come here.
You: voldemort is back.
Stranger: i know dumbledore i know, the other night i had the wierdest dream that this man went into a house and a snake led him to voldemort and he got murdered
You: yea i know. ron told me that.
You: he's here now. and hermione too.
Stranger: hello ron and hermione!
You: hello harry! r u allright! -hermione
You: ?*
Stranger: im fine thanks hermione u ok?
You: yea. but my cat died.
Stranger: oh no :O
You: yea. it was malfoy's fault.
Stranger: i hate malfoy
You: i hate him too.
Stranger: its ok hermione i recently found this book and it belonged to someone named the half blood prince, it has so many unknown spells i cn try out on him
You: wonderfull harry! i can find information for u about that half blood prince if u want?
Stranger: yes please! im really intrested in finding out who it could be but i will never let this book leave me, its too precious
Stranger: as smeagol would say from lord of the rings
Stranger: 'my precious'
You: cool. i'm going to read now. ron want's to talt to u.
Stranger: ok :)
Stranger: hey ron!
You: hi harry!
You: where are you?
Stranger: omg have you been getting my letters?
Stranger: about uncle vernon
Stranger: he is so annoying
You: hell yea!
Stranger: he put bars over my window :(
You: oh my god. again?
Stranger: yes again :@ he gets me so annoyed
You: i can imagine.
You: me, fred and george can come and safe you again?
Stranger: and once again its because of dobby, he was making so much noise in my room again and he decided to lock me up
Stranger: and yes please that would be fantastic
Stranger: what would your mum and dad say though?
Stranger: mrs weasley got very upset the first tiem
You: we don't let them know this time.
Stranger: ahhh ok :)
You: we r comein' tomorrow this time?
Stranger: yes that would be fantastic, gives me plenty of time to pack my things
You: good. but we must be sure that vernon isn't in ur room when we r comein'
Stranger: oh yeah, he tried dragging me back in the house last time remember? but he got pulled out of the window with me and landed in the bushes LOOOL
You: yea that was awwsome!
Stranger: ahh good times good times
You: yeah.
Stranger: :')
Stranger: anyway i better start packing my clothes and things
You: yea
Stranger: i will see you tomorrow about this time yes?
You: yea, we'll be there.
Stranger: ok bye ron say goodbye to dumbledore and hermione for me aswell please :)
You: i will. bye harry (:
Stranger: bye ron :)

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