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Anarkismi käytännönkokeessa....Maanantai 11.06.2007 03:07

List of anarchist communities. How MAny of them are familiar to you?


URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_anarchist_communities

1 Historical examples of societies successfully organized according to anarchist principles

1.1 Celtic Ireland (650-1650)
1.2 An Early Anarchist Community in North Africa (1500-1830?)
1.3 Rhode Island (1636-1648)
1.4 Albemarle (1640s-1663)
1.5 Holy Experiment (Quaker) Pennsylvania (1681-1690)
1.6 Libertatia (1670s to 1690s)
1.7 Utopia (1847 to 1860s)
1.8 Modern Times (1851 to late 1860s)
1.9 Whiteway Colony (1898 to present)
1.10 Tolstoyan Agricultural Communes (1921-1937)
1.11 The autonomous Shinmin region (1929-1931)
1.12 Spanish revolution (1936 to 1939)
1.13 Anarchist Catalonia (1936 to 1939)
1.14 Israeli Kibbutz Movement

2 Examples of revolts and uprisings with anarchist qualities

2.1 Italian Factory Occupations and Councils
2.2 Ukraine and the Makhnovist movement (1918 to 1921)
2.3 Hungarian Revolution (1956)
2.4 Situationist and Worker/Student Occupation Movement (May, 1968)
2.5 Kwangju Uprising (May, 1980)
2.6 Polish revolution/Solidarity 1980 to 1982
2.7 Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities
2.8 Cascadia Free State 1996 (US)
2.9 Argentina (2001 to present) *

3 Examples of projects and other movements with anarchist qualities

3.1 Freetown Christiania, Denmark
3.2 Squatter movements
3.3 Free Software movement
3.4 Data havens, cyberspace, and permanent travelers
3.5 Western Sahara Exiles (1976 to Present)

*) See the documentary "The Take" for more information --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Take

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