


Vaikka vuoksesi myrkkyä joisin, voisin karhuja kengittää.

Lalala, Usagi-san. ♥Lauantai 14.02.2009 23:34

M: "Um... do you mind if I ask you something?"
U: "What?"
M: "Er, well, I mean... Wha-What do you think... it means to be "lovers"?"
U: "Huh?"
M: "Just 'cause one of my friends, you know he's got a girlfriend now and they're really in love and all that... So I was just thinking, "Wow, it must be nice to go out with someone...""
U: "But we're going out, too."
M: "We are?!"
U: "Why does that shock you so much? We live under the same roof, share our meals and our bed, I make your this and that dirty and wet, I do those kinds of things to you, then I thrust this and that into you, and on top of it all I..."
M: "Don't say it out loud!"
U: "How can you say we're not going out after all we've done?"
M: "Because I feel like it's somehow different when it's with you!"

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