


Vaikka vuoksesi myrkkyä joisin, voisin karhuja kengittää.


At the hot spring:
Akira: "Even though... why aren't you coming in?"
Shirogane: "Are you that eager to look at me naked?"
A: *äkkiä pinnan alle*
S: "When there's only the two of us, I'll definitely let you see me naked."
A: "Haruka, please kill that guy for me."


Shiro: "Let me take this opportunity to make myself clear, I'm only interested in Akira-kun's naked body."
A: "What the hell are you shouting about?!"


*Kengo paljastelee itseään a bit. :'D*
Shiro: "Kengo-kun looks pretty good."
A: "Hey, didn't you say that you were only interested in seeing MY naked body?"
S: "Yes?"
A: "Oh, well, it doesn't matter..."

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