
Perjantaina juhlin synttäreitä;>Maanantai 29.12.2008 22:39

Joku pieni yliannostus :SSunnuntai 28.12.2008 16:20

kamala olo:S
Ei tunnu löytyvän yhtään hyvää kohtuu vuokralla:/

Jatkan eteenpäin.Maanantai 22.12.2008 20:40

I don`t care... anymore.Maanantai 22.12.2008 20:36

I try to make it through my life, in my way, there's you
I try to make it through these lies, and that's all I do

Just don't deny it,
Don't try to fight this ,and deal with it
and that's just part of it,

If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
Just go and leave this all behind
Cause i swear (i swear),i don't care

I try to make you see my side
Always trying to stay in line
But your eyes see right through
That's all they do

I'm getting buried in this place
I got no room your in my face
don't say anything just go away

If you were dead or still alive
I don't care, I don't care
Just go and leave this all behind
Cause i swear (i swear) i don't care

Kohta töihin taas.Sunnuntai 21.12.2008 12:50

Ihana iltavuoro. :>

Ahtaajat<3Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 22:38

Ootte niin ihanaa sakkia ;D

Mä Lähden..Lauantai 13.12.2008 15:21


M.Perjantai 12.12.2008 20:43

Älä valitse rakkaudessa
sitä jonka kanssa pystyt
elämään; valitse se jota
ilman et voi elää.

Paha olla.Torstai 11.12.2008 19:54

Epätietoisuus on hirveä tunne