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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.12.2008 02:45

Pölläsin tän LJ:stä, ko en jaksa tehä tätä sinne.. duh.
Käännän kaikki enkuks, jottei menis liia sekavakss.. (ku sattuu koneella olemaan vähä monikielistä musaiikkia)

To teh point-!

Put your mp3 player on shuffle...write down the first line of 20 songs as a poem. The line from the 21st song is the title. Have fun!


"If we hadn't met back then.."

Wanting to spit out the jarred thoughts is
My feeling don't fit so easily with
A voice heard in the distance gives me a hint
Just like always
For overly secure people who shouldn't be visible
Alone in the darkness I found out the meaning of your tears
You're handy, handy, hurrah! Handy, handy, hurrah!
As one walks an animal trail, roar out, "O lion, o tiger!"
I couldn't say, "Don't lose your way."
The rain, the earth, A place I should be..meanings
if it is to fall to the invitation of deep sleep
When I show off these wounds that won't heal
One morning I died
Boys and girls of every age
This page of everlasting depression
Maybe, it was a constant self-control
Like a flower petal withering away
Childhood dreams are doodles that will never go away
This favour, bought and received as a substitute, doesn't mean I'm childish
Strum the tune of your existance


Vei muuten varmaan puolet elämästäni, ainoastaan yhdestä kohtaa sanat oli enkuksi, muista jouduin ottamaan selvää x___x'' tosin otsikon sanat ja pari muuta kohtaa muistin ulkoa >D mowahaha

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