


tyhmä kebab

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1. After you eat something that has a wrapper, do you immediately dispose of the wrapping, or do you tend to leave it laying around?
Usually I immediately put it in garbage can, but if I'm feeling lazy I will dispose it afterwards. (Like if I'm watching a movie, I'll dispose the wrapping after the movie)
2. Do you actually consider the popular pouty face in people's pictures attractive?
Well doesn't that depend of the person? If she is attractive, then she is attractive, no matter what kind of pose she has? Even if it would be pouty face?
3. Can you imagine ever being a nudist in your own home? Would you feel awkward wandering around naked?
I don't want to imagine this happening. x ___ x''
4. Would you cut off your own pinky for one billion dollars?
HMMMM 8) ah no, I couldn't do that.... maybe. = u=
5. If you were in a situation where you were being threatened that someone would murder someone important to you unless you agreed to having both eyes or both arms removed, which would you choose?
What kind of question is this XD Hard to choose.. Since I want to see the world, but removing both arms would cause a lot of trouble.
But I would probably choose eyes. ö-ö
6. If you could have a neon light sign that said anything you wanted, or looked like anything you wanted, what would it be?
Errr.. what the heck would I do with it? X'D
7. Would you rather have a side dish involving pasta or rice?
rice probably. Depends of the day
8. Do you think you could handle working as customer service, without getting angry at the customer?
Maybe, I don't get angry very easily, but I'm afraid I would start to cry in some point... X''D
9. ^Have you ever been the angry customer?
10. Looking at all of the items within the room you are in, are there any that you could successfully knock out someone that came into your home in attempts to rob you?
Right now I'm in my little sisters room and there is not much choise... Wait, I have a vacuum over here so no problem!
11. Does it make you uneasy knowing that the writers of movies like Saw have the capability to come up with the disturbing things that occur in the movies?
Nope XD
12. Do your thighs sweat a lot when you are sitting down?
No. ??
13. Where was the last sit down restaurant you went to? Were you the one that paid for your food?
in Joensuu and no.
14. What was the last thing to malfunction/break in your house? Was it fixed?
washing machine (for clothes)
15. Do you think it is silly to do something extravagant for a kid's first birthday?
16. How many remotes are there in your household [including video game remotes]?
two...i think?
17. Does your internet go out frequently, or is it pretty dependable?
18. What is the nearest thing to you that has lettering/words on it? What does it say?
my notebook which has list of songs I download on to my karaoke
19. What was the last uncomfortable situation you were in?
Um... When I was alone in the car with my father.
20. Do you think it is awkward for people over sixteen to have sleepovers?
21. Have you ever caught someone in the act of picking their nose? Or, has someone caught YOU in the act of picking yours?
22. Are you good about sharing your belongings? Are there certain items [aside from obvious things like your underwear] that you wouldn't be willing to share with anyone?
Depends on who I'm sharing with and what.
23. Have you ever lent someone something and never got it back? What was it?
umm.. umm.. No
24. Would/have you ever worn a cape even when it wasn't Halloween?
Hell yeah!
25. Are the bottoms of your feet clean?
I hope so.
* What do the majority of people in your life call you? - Tiina
* When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings?- a few seconds ago
* Have you ever seen your best friend cry? - I'm not sure
* Names of the people you texted today? - Ruto
* Are you a friendly person? - I try to be
* What are you looking forward to? - Christmas
* Have you heard a song that reminds you of anyone today? - Yes
* What did your last text say? - something, i'm too lazy to check
* What were you doing at 12:12 last night? - Sleeping probably.
* When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? - a while ago, in msn though
* What is something you're currently frustrated about? - school.
* How many hours did you sleep last night? - too many
* Have you ever kissed anyone named Pablo? - no
* Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more? - I wouldn't call them as friends. More like.... erm.. People I know.
* Have you been to New York City? - nope.
* What are your plans for tomorrow? - sleep,sleep some more, go to Fantasiapelit to buy one manga, go to home, read the manga, read some more manga from internet and then go to sleep.
* Is there one person who can make you feel better no matter what? - I'm not sure
* What colour is your phone? - black
* Plans for tonight? - I go back to my place
* Have you had alcohol this week? - no.
* Could you cry right now? - no
* What were you doing this morning at 7 AM? - Sleeping
* Is there anything silver near you? - umm... no. ö 3ö
* Whose house were you at last? - right now I'm at my parents place, before that in my place.
* Song playing right now? - Avenged Sevenfold - Almost easy
* What were you doing an hour ago? - err... probably not doing anything differend than now
* Where were you Saturday night? - here, at my parents' place
* Do you wear the seatbelt in the car? - always.
* Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? - No
* Do you like to text or call more? - text
* Where was your last long road trip to? - Tampere? 8')
* What is the weather like today? - right now it's dark
* Who did you last talk to on the phone? - father probably
* Who did you sleep with last night? - with my little sister
* Have you held hands with anyone in the past week? - no.

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