I was before all the time complaining how I don`t have luck. Now my time has come! Yeepee! Starting from family issues, friends, and of course love. I thought that I was born without luck, that I will never ever be lucky like some other people. But it seems that I was wrong. It`s just that it comes the time, when everything becomes a diversion of minds. To be honest, I was so suprised when everyone around me was feeling horrible and sad, and I was finally happy. I hate to see people sad, and it`s not a very best feeling when you finally reach some point of happiness and everyone else turns sad, angry and depressed. Very odd. Of course not all people, but pretty much people who are close to me. I wish that everyone would be happy, without any problems and falling`s. It would be so much easier if whole world was bisexual :D would say one of my friends. Everyone could love everyone, everyone would be happy, and happy ever after. Fuck, I am starting to talk shit... XD Anyway, life is what you make it, says on one of those cups in Oppilaskuntahuone :D