


ei auta tarkastus, ei hoitotoimenpide, oon menetetty tapaus ota pois silmiltä se side!

Guys, don't let it goTorstai 08.07.2010 21:54

Sometimes its so hard to see,
you are just trying to be,
changed from what you want to be,
but you can not see me,
because I don't want you to,
you allready changed my life into,
dream, it would be nice to do,
something to change your life too!

just can't tell it in front of you,
I would, if I could,
But I couldn't and I wont,
I don't want you to know,
I love you so..

I think about it everyday,
I try all the time but I don't know how to say,
I love you, and I want you to stay,
I'm in love you've gotta feel the same,
my love on you replaces all the hate,
I only feel bad and still for fuck sakes...
I love you so...

And I don't want to let it go

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