
VÄHÄN POKERIA OK==!!?!?!Lauantai 15.07.2006 16:36

Desperately Seeking Susan 8161765-45314 Holdem No Limit $1/$2
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : Hand Start.
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : Seat 1 : WARLORD78 has $194.96
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : Seat 2 : sebcote has $60.75
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : Seat 3 : sniccie has $76.52
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : Seat 4 : ilovehorses has $105.75
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : Seat 5 : ibi has $192.50
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : Seat 6 : Krazeemofoe has $287.98
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : sebcote is the dealer.
[Jul 15 10:21:32] : sniccie posted small blind.
[Jul 15 10:21:33] : ilovehorses posted big blind.
[Jul 15 10:21:35] : WARLORD78 posted big blind.
[Jul 15 10:21:35] : Game [45314] started with 6 players.
[Jul 15 10:21:35] : Dealing Hole Cards.
[Jul 15 10:21:35] : Seat 3 : sniccie has Ah As
[Jul 15 10:21:08] : ibi called $2
[Jul 15 10:21:10] : Krazeemofoe folded.
[Jul 15 10:21:14] : WARLORD78 raised $4
[Jul 15 10:21:16] : sebcote folded.
[Jul 15 10:21:23] : sniccie called $5 and raised $20
[Jul 15 10:21:23] : ilovehorses folded.
[Jul 15 10:21:26] : ibi folded.
[Jul 15 10:21:31] : WARLORD78 called $20 and raised $160
[Jul 15 10:21:33] : sniccie called $50.52 and is All-in
[Jul 15 10:21:33] : Showdown!
[Jul 15 10:21:33] : Seat 3 : sniccie has Ah As
[Jul 15 10:21:35] : Seat 1 : WARLORD78 has Ac Kd
[Jul 15 10:21:35] : Seat 3 : sniccie has Ah As
[Jul 15 10:22:14] : Board cards [Ks Kc 8c Tc 4c]
[Jul 15 10:22:14] : Seat 1 : WARLORD78 has Ac Kd
[Jul 15 10:22:14] : WARLORD78 has Flush AKT84
[Jul 15 10:22:14] : Seat 3 : sniccie has Ah As
[Jul 15 10:22:14] : sniccie has Two Pair: Aces and Kings
[Jul 15 10:22:14] : WARLORD78 wins $154.04 with Flush AKT84
[Jul 15 10:22:21] : WARLORD78 : SORRY
[Jul 15 10:22:25] : Hand is over.

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