


instagram @heyimsonja twitter @heyimsonza

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You changed the sound of my name
A moment of truth that I saw in you face
It hurts inside
I'm one with this fire
That you brought to life
All the roads lead back to you

Give me something to return to in your heart
I fear nothing but to leave here without you - for life
We were left in this world for each other
But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long

You made me who I am
Until the dawn of time I have
Walked alone
You tear up a storm
When all hope was lost
Where skies revolve
I have to let go
Of what never meant to be

Give me something to return to in your heart
I fear nothing but to leave here without you - for life
We were left in this world for each other
But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long

We were left in this world for each other
But I can't run from the fate I've been fighting for so long

Give me something to return to in your heart
I fear nothing but to leave here without you - for life...

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