
everybody's dyin am i next ?Perjantai 23.04.2010 00:11

They wanna bury me, I'm worried -- I'm losin my mind
Look down the barrel of my nine and my vision's blurry
Fallin to pieces, am I guilty? I pray to the Lord
but he ignores me unfortunately cause I'm guilty
Show me a miracle, I'm hopeless -- I'm chokin off
marijuana smoke, with every toke it's like I'm losin focus
Fallin to sleep while I'm at service, when will I die?
Forever paranoid and nervous because I'm high
Don't mention funerals I'm stressin, and goin nutty
And reminiscin bout them peoples that murdered my buddy
I wonder when will I be happy, ain't nothin funny
Flashbacks of bustin caps, anything for money
Where am I goin I discovered, can't nothin save me
My next door neighbor's havin convo with undercovers
Put a surprise in the mailbox, hope she get it
Happy birthday bitch, you know you shouldn'ta did it

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