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say meow..so u wanna get HIGH?


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tyttö ja kelluvat tissit!:D LMAO!Lauantai 25.11.2006 19:48


me:"help!im fucking drowning!"
katie:"for fucks sake honey!you cant drown!"
me:"what do you mean i cant drown?"
katie:"you have natural floats attached to your body!"
me:"what the fuck?natural floats?"
katie:"i mean your TITS you idiot!they fucking make you float!" :D
me:"ohh...hey!i would make one heck of a -life gard-!!"
katie:"yeep...Sofie youll be the next Baywatch babe!floating boobs and all!" :D

we both died from laughter :D Katie darling,ur my little retarded chicken :) <3
Luv ya darling<3

linda <3 (linty)Sunnuntai 19.11.2006 23:55

eräs joka floodaa mun kaikki kuvat! :D
ja kiusaa mua mun "silikooneista" =ääliö! sua mä en ainakaan tuu kattoo tammikuussa!:D
no ei kait!luv ya <3 tissigirl <3 peppugirl
(sisäpiiri juttuja kukaan muu ei tajua!)
Natalie:"i think we think about boys too much..."
me:"what the fuck?we dont!"
natalie:"well what else do we think about?"
me:"well! we think about......?"
Katie:"no honestly sofies right!"
natalie:"she is?"
me:"i am?"
Katie:"of course she is!we do think about other stuff than boys!"
natalie:"like what?"
Katie:shagging them!!!!!!!!!!!"
:D lmao!

natalie,katie my crazy babies :) <3

One for all,and all for one!we junior plastics stick togetha <3

These guys mean the world to me <3Sunnuntai 22.10.2006 17:28

These guys mean the world to me...


Josh:no one knows me better than u!ill always be ur pussycat!no matter how far u are!
Natalie:luv ya darling!hope we stay best mates foreva :) <3
Emily:double jointed boobs!what a skill!:)hahaa!i have so much fun when ur around!
u make me do crazy stuff!luv ya anyway :)
Aron:what can i say...babe.. luv ya ldz!your only fault is that u keep on staring at my boobs!:)
and your a bit overprotective :)
Lloyd:ur like my little brother!and yes i do get pissed off when people say that were flirting!
cause were not!XD luv u darling :)<3
Ellie:cause u keep on showering me with compliments!(and get me into trouble in maths!)
luv ya 2 :)

and loads of other really important people from my NEW school :)


Ale:haa!muistin sut!what can i say... my m8 who wants to be a fashion designer:)
(ill hopefully get a discount on my wedding dress!yes?) darling miss u !<3
saskia:the ikuinen muumi fani!:) probably the only person in the world
who i can have a decent argument with!:)miss uu hani!<3
heta:my redheaded friend...MISS UU!<3
jonsu:words cannot describe how much i miss u :(

and:Linda:im so sorry i forgot u the first time i wrote this!my appologies!just want to let u know that i miss u sooo much!i really miss those times at tampaja!u,me,tessa and fairy...aah!no one will ever replace that foursome in my life! ,3

love all of u guys from england AND Finland :) hope u still remember me?:)

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 12.08.2006 18:49


[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.07.2006 14:05

tultiin just Enklannista puol kolme yöllä (tosi "ihana" yölento) aamulla kouluhaastattelussa (siin koulussa oli ulko ja sisä uima-altaat)... ja sit Henrin kanssa lounaalla puol 2 (six bellsissä) mukava heppu (hihhih, sillä oli teko rusketusta käsissä) se lähtee nyt saksaan ettii samalla mulle pollea,valmennukset alkaa elokuussa toiv.


Più vicino voi ... Maanantai 12.06.2006 16:35

Più vicino voi...

Come desideriamo le notti come questi dove
il tempo sembra congelare nell'aria e nei
noi freddi di mezzanotte non abbiamo niente fare ma giudicarsi stretto in un caldo, l'offerta abbraccia ma mentre sforzo per tirare
voi più vicino abbastanza vicini al tatto il vostro pounding di battito cardiaco in mie mani che vedo che non ci sono degne di
come ritengo ora e vicino voi non è parole mai abbastanza vicine

Diario caro..=)Maanantai 12.06.2006 01:05

diario caro... che ancora un altro giorno noioso (ma occupato) slithered oltre non lasciare niente ma una traccia della mia mancanza di entusiasmo realmente qualche cosa... ma fortunatamente sui theres un cambiamento che viene a quello. IM MUOVENDOSI IN INGHILTERRA! =) così hallelujah, il hallelujah im che ottiene via da questa gente idiotic, questo posto terribile che lo deprime, questa sensibilità... arrivederci finlandia, Inghilterra qui vengo!!!!=)

tutti voi stupido, viscoso, gits che pensano im inutile a tutto, sì significo che lotto... buono tutti voi potete mordere la polvere perché non li vedrò a lungo... eventualmente MAI!

my poem to you...Torstai 08.06.2006 13:54

im il vostro ancora benchè sappia che dovrei affidarlo a wallow nella tristezza ho casted su voi.... ma io smussa il youve di permesso lo ha portato..there troppo lontano è soltanto una parola a deacribe il mio amore di sensibilità....

yes my Italy isn`t that great =(

i still remember you ...Lauantai 03.06.2006 16:23

i still remember you.....

Sometimes I think of you
and wonder where you are
and if you think of me on lonely nights
or dream about me when there's nothing left to dream
I don't expect you to miss me
and I know the phone will never ring
with your voice hanging on the other line
but I have to know
if I'm in your thoughts
or if you forgot about me
like you promised you never would
I can't bear the thought
of what we shared
being nothing than a footnote
in a forgotten chapter of your life
and even though I only think of you
during the loneliest hours of the night
Part of me is still hoping
that you're thinking of me
when I'm busy not thinking of you
So shed not a tear for what we lost
nor heave a sigh for what could have been
Just let me grace your thoughts
when the night hangs long and low
and everything will be right when we awake
in the worlds we've created
in the many years we've been apart...

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