Best, Last, Today, Tomorrow, Favourite, Currently, and True or False.
[1.] Male friend: Can't say only one...all my friends here but firstly max, mk, jj, umar and sadad
[2.] Female friend: cant say only one
[3.] Cousin: Dunno
[4.] Thing to do: gigs..hanging out with friends....riddim!
[5.] Time of Day: Ummm evening and night
[6.] Day of the week: weekend days, but not sunday
[7.] Food: lahmacun!
[8.] Memory: all of our trips with ihmeperhe, maxes wild ideas and then putting them to action...
[1.] Person you saw: Max and the other girls :D
[2.] Talked to on the phone: dad
[3.] Text: iska
[4.] Imed: -
[5.] Message over myspace: Can't remember because I dont use it
[6.] Emailed: mum
[1.] What are you doing now: waiting for the food
[2.] What are you wearing right now: baggy jeans and a shirt plus a sweater
[3.] Better than yesterday? definately not
[1.] Is: the first day of bayram!
[2.] Plans: nothing...sleeping late
[3.] Dislikes about tomorrow: dont know what to do
[1.] Number(s): nine is a good number :D
[2.] Song(s): too many to list...some new ones that I wouldnt listen normally are some funny party songs here like moneymaker :D :D and then the one chris brown has.. with you.
[3.] Color(s): different shades of green red blue....
[4.] Season: Summer and a proper winter
[1.] Missing: All my friends in finland and of course family
[2.] Mood: Bored
[3.] Wanting: FOOD
True or False:
: True
: True
: False
: false
: semitrue
: true, who isnt
: False!!!!!!!!!!!
: True
: True
: semitrue
: True
: false
: True
: semitrue :D
: True
: True
: True
: true
:Im not sure