


too cool for ya anyways

--Perjantai 28.07.2006 15:39

Siis mikä ihmeen spurgumagneetti mä olen? MITÄ? Ensin siellä helsingissä ne tunkee siihen jostain ilotaloista selittämään ja nyt turussa kaks kertaa tunnin sisällä :D No tulihan liikuntaa ku juostiin sitä yhtä pakoon ympäri keskustaa :D Katja kuuli sen puhelimen välityksellä :D

Mutta muuten oli tosi kiva ilta, oli kiva nähdä Kirsiä taas :) Ja oli "merelliset näkymät" :'''D

Vammani.Torstai 27.07.2006 17:07

Joo. Inspiroiduin tekemään tämän listan kun katselin kaikkia viime lauantaina kerättyjä taisteluhaavojani. Kriteerinä listalle pääsyyn on vamman vakavuus/suuruus/näkyvyys/typeryys.

Varpaista ylöspäin:

rakkoja varpaissa (eikö niillä kengillä voikaan kävellä pari kilsaa hiekkateillä ja metsässä???)

Murtunut varvas (kiitos Topi)

pitkä arpi nilkan yläpuolella (pieni psychohetki suihkussa :D)

oikeassa sääressä tumma piste (luulisin että se tuli siitä ku kaaduin hevosen kanssa esteen jälkeen aitaa päin, en oo ihan varma)

jaloissa muutamia mustelmia ja hiertymiä (mosh pit)

lonkassa pieni arpi ja tunnoton kohta (kaveri kaatu mäessä pyörällä mun eteen ja lensin kauniisti, pappi vei mut arvauskeskukseen :D :D)

muutaman sentin pitunen leikkausarpi alavatsassa (umpisuoli meni kuolioon sillon joskus)

erinäisiä mustelmia käsissä (samainen mosh pit)

kuhmu päässä (semifinaalin sohvien rautatanko)

sisäisistä "vammoista" mainittakoon että ne on niitä tyhmempiä. Esimerkkinä "hankausta oikeassa keuhkossa", joka oli keikan seurausta ja joka ei estänyt menemästä samantien uudelle keikalle. Ulos. Illalla. Syksyllä. Muutamaksi tunniksi riehumaan. Jep.

Ei noita nyt niin paljon ollukaan. Noita jotka muistin. Hyvä minä!!!

aahhahaTiistai 25.07.2006 02:04


Minä: Kuka olen?
O: piikki lihassani.

M: Kuka katja on?
O:poikasi tyttöystävä, mutta muista että saatan satunnaisesti valehdellakin.

M: entä Senja?

M: kuka Janne on?
O: yks saatanan tunari vaikka epäilemättä luulit toisin.

M:Millanen keikka collarbonella oli viime lauantaina?

too funny to be so heavenly.Maanantai 24.07.2006 18:19


Aika tyhjä olo tällä hetkellä. paitsi vähän kyllä vituttaa eräät asiat ja pikkasen eräät ihmiset. miksei ketään tavoita sillon ku pitäis? tai periaatteessa kai tavoittaiskin mutta kun ei voi. pasha.

mun pää sattuu. tai niska lähinnä. jos haluun kattoa sivulle mun pitää kääntyä. no oikeestaan se on oma vika :D mitäs moshasin.

enää ei ees oo niin paha olo. mitä nyt välillä pitää paastota ja keskittyä ruuan sisällä pitämiseen mutta eipähän tarvii yhtä sitkeästi keskittyä tajuissaan pysymiseen niinku lauantaina :)

hah. rupee naurattamaan ku ajatteleekin sitä päivää. mosh pit is the place to be :D
on ne höpöskoopitkin joskus oikeessa."kuukauden päiväsi on 22.7. merkittävä päivä henkisen kehityksesi kannalta. sinulla on enemmän kysymyksiä kuin vastauksia. kysyminenkin on jalo taito". No nyt ainakin on kysymyksiä...henkisen kehityksen :D :D hjoooo.

miten me onnistuttiinkin törmäämään siihen jätkään clubilla...mikä todennäkösyys että sekin tuntee jotain kautta (tai no sano tuntevansa) pojat? surkee yritys kylläkin saada meidät lähtemään sen mukaan :''D "collarbonen jätkät voi olla siellä kans". joo ei me nyt ehkä tällä kertaa lähetä.

sunnuntai aamu oli kyllä niiin tuskaa :D kuumetta ja kaikkea muuta kivaa. mut ehkä se on niinku janne sano. ehkä mä jännitän keikkoja liikaa :D alitajunnan tai kohtalon julmaa julmaa ivaa. "God you don't want to answer me, but if you do you better agree, God you've got the strangest sense of humor" jotenkin sopi viikonloppuun toi kappale :D

yks moccachino, kiitos.

60%, dumbass.Maanantai 17.07.2006 15:49

1.[x] I have walked into a glass/screen door.

2.[x] I have tripped on my shoelace and fallen on my face.

3.[x] I have choked on my own spit

4.[ ] I've seen the Matrix a bunch of times and still don't get it.

5.[ ] I type only with my pointer fingers.

6.[x] I have accidently caught something on fire.

7.[x] When moving a lit candle you've accidently spilt the hot wax.

8.[ ] I've attempted to sip out of a straw but it accidently went into my nose, rather than my mouth.

9.[x] Sometimes when I think of something funny, I laugh out loud and people look at me weird.

10.[x] I've caught myself drooling.

11.[ ] I've accidently caused an explosion.

12.[ ] If someone says the word "fart", I can't help but laugh.

13.[ ] I've turned into a "Do Not Enter" one way road plenty of times.

14.[x] Sometimes I just...stop thinking & zone out. [ALWAYS]

15.[ ] It is POSSIBLE to lick ur elbow.

16.[ ] I just tried to lick my elbow.

17.[ ] People often shake their heads and walk away from me.

18.[ ] People often tell me to use my "inside voice".

19.[x] Gum has fallen out of my mouth while talking.

20.[x] I've used my fingers to do simple math.

21.[x] I've jumped off a moving vehicle

22.[ ] I ate a bug for $5 or less.

23.[x] I'm taking this test when I should be doing something more important.

24.[ ] I repost chain letters because I'm scared of what they threaten will happen if I don't.

25.[x] I've peed my pants.

26.[ ] I've ran around naked when I was drunk.

27.[x] I've searched all over the place for something, and then realized it was in my hand the whole time.

28.[x] I accidently break a lot of things.

29.[ ] My friends know not to use big words on me.

30.[x] Friends like me because I'm fun to laugh at.

31.[x] I move my head to the side when I'm confused.

32.[x] Sometimes I start telling a story and suddenly forget what I'm talking about.

33.[x] I've fallen out of my chair before.

34.[x] When I'm laying in bed, I sometimes stare at the ceiling and try to find pictures and words in the texture.

Once you get your answer multiply by 3 and repost as "I'm ___% dumb.

jennyltähän tämä.Perjantai 14.07.2006 23:52

time started:8.21 pm.
name: saara.
nickname(s): wont tell you that :D
birthday: december 24th
where were you born: naantali
zodiac sign: capricorn
height: 168cm
hair color: red
do you like it: well...yup.
what does it look like: kinda short, overgrown and stupid most of the time.
eye color: blue when not wearing lenses.
do you like it: I guess. I prefer green.
contacts or glasses: yes, unfortunately.
shoe size: 39
grade: graduated
GPA: -
siblings: 2sisters,4brothers (some of them are only half siblings)
piercings: ears (three)
favorite color: black, red, white, grey, purple, pink , blue, green....can't just say one.
scent: ...
show: GIAN to name one.
gum: don't care as long as it's fresh-tasting
drink: coke,latte...there's a few
food: too many to name, but exotic foods are nice :D I like experiementing :D
pizza topping: ^
book: honestly I cannot say...there just are too many.
fruit: dunno.
vegetables: hmm. I like veggies. BROCCOLI :D :D
time of day: night and long morning.
month: december :) july...varies.
day of the week: you can't possibly name the best day! It varies so much dependin on what happens...
season: summer and winter(a proper winter.with actual snow), fall and spring at times.
magazine: kerrang!, rocksound & metal hammer.
font: arial.
shampoo: don't care.
name: -
number: -
phrase: there are just too many x)
store: "anything in camden really :D" can't argue with that one mate!
accessory: love them all. rock style though.
channel: fuse & mtv2 to name a couple. don't have them though.
weekend activity: GIGS
animal: toooo many ^^
board game: I don't know.
story from childhood: there's not enough space here for that.

have you ever been on a plane: yes <3
been on a train: yes.
been on a bus: yes.
been in a taxi: yes.
been in a car accident: not really...
burned something: yes.
went out of the country: yes <3
broken the law: yes.
lost something valuable: yes.
met a celebrity: dude I AM a celeb.
cried in public: yes.
had a cavity: yes.
shopped at abercrombie and fitch: no.
prank called anyone: yes.
faked sick: yes.
fallen from a tree: no.well actually...can't be sure. :D
climbed a tree: yes.
slept outside: yes.
broken a bone: a horse once stepped on my toes. that hurt quite a bit so I guess yes. A little.
choked: too many times.
passed out: no...but nearly yes. that happens all the time. my blood pressure is as low as a new born baby's blood pressure.
been to disney world: no.
made a model volcano: no.
the last phone call: with senja.
thing bought: PotC tickets, I suppose.
thing said: "no höh"
thing you ate: pasta.
shoes you wore: the ones I bought in Camden.
future occupation: don't really know yet.
place to live: london hopefully.
kids: aint got none :D
car: a cool ride.dunno.
what are you doing tomorrow: some family dinner stuff with all the relatives (okay not ALL) and then out clubbin' :D

best friend: katjas,senja..
loudest: ^
silliest: ^^
craziest: ^^
calmest: O_o calm? they don't even know the word.
nicest: they're all nice <3
meanest: katja and senja. they pick on me. :D
the one you have but don't want: huh? please.
smartest: now that's hard. they all are smart.
most hyper: umm...they all are :D that's how we roll :D :D
weirdest: ^

pick one
pepsi-coke: coke.
sprite-7-up: 7up <3
gold-silver: ´silver.
vanilla-chocolate: chocolate.
flowers-candy: candy.
book-magazine: magazine.
tv-rdio: TV.
half empty-half full: depends on what's in the cup ;D
crayons-markers: markers.
sun-moon: sun.
hot-cold: hot.
dog-cat: dog.
jeans-shorts: -
waffles-pancakes: waffles.
florida-cali: cali.

first thing that comes to mind when you hear...
yellow: yellowcard.
lipstick: red
school: work
slippers: danmark :D
lawn mower: the new one we just got
iceland: the landscape there
greenland: road trip and Danmark :D
harry potter: the books
rooster: well a rooster :D
bill clinton: lewinsky.
whipped cream: the cake mom just made yesterday.
mattress: should find one for next saturday.
lollypop:spice girls :D :D
love: a heart
panties: the cool ones I have :D

are you annoying: caught me there.
loud: with the right people, YES.
quiet: mostly. (when with wrong people)
random: yes.
perky: mostly.
happy: mostly.
sad: it happens.
crazy: of course
smart: it seems I'm not that much :D
calm: yup.
what time is it!: 8.52 pm. (had a phone call while doing this)

elämän suuret kysymykset.Perjantai 14.07.2006 23:01

Place: Legoland, Family Buffet
People present: me and the whole family

Pyry ja Joel: Saara, sattuuko se kun sydän särkyy?
Minä: *tukehtuu ruokaan* no kyllä se taitaa vähän sattua.
Pyry ja Joel: Itkeekö silloin?
Minä: Kyllä silloin itkee.
Pyry ja Joel: Onko sulla koskaan särkynyt sydän?
Minä: *kiusaantunut hiljaisuus* Voi kuulkaa, monta kertaa on tullut paha mieli.



suffeliiiLauantai 10.06.2006 19:42

Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.

Where will i go today?
MCR - Give 'Em Hell Kid
(umm...outta New Orleans? I wish.)

How am I feeling today?
FOB - Sugar We're Going Down

Will I get far in life?
FFAF - Roses For The Dead
(You look just like your mother,And you look just like your father :S)

How do my friends see me?
the Used - I Caught Fire
("Every second IÂ’m without you, IÂ’m a mess." Yep. I know. You're a mess even when you ARE with me :D)

When will I get Married?
FFAF- Monsters
("Because tonight is our night " sorry but I've got some other plans for today. maybe some other time?)

What's my theme song?
Matchbook Romance - In Transit (For You)
("I'll shine all night,And just like a star I'll fall for you")

What is the story of my life?
Collarbone - Gone
(ei jumankekka :D :D :D :D :D "My life is going down hill")

What am I like in bed?
Collarbone - Employee Of The Month
(ahahahahahah "I'll work my ass off")

How can I get ahead in life?
P!ATD - I Constantly Thank God For Esteban

What is my best feature?
TBS - Twenty-twenty Surgery
(hahahahahahahhaHAAA! "It's not the quality that bothers me--The rent should be for free for being me. "

How is today going to be?
the Used - Hard to Say
(No it's not. I know it's going to be boring.)

What is in store for this weekend?
MCR - I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
("you wear me out")

What is my life like at the moment?
C&C - Willing Well III: Apollo II:The Telling Truth Clear
("the worst of all your fears --So come on bitch why aren't you laughing now?")

What song describes my secrets?
Collarbone - Scarlet Starlet

What is my current lover like?
the Used - A Box Full Of Sharp Objects

What song will they play at my funeral?:
C&C - Always And Never Clean
("Stay with me and fall asleep
Pray to God for no bad dreams

Here... I'm... I'm still waiting here, my dear
For one kiss from you
So here... I'm... I'm still waiting here, my dear
To kill all of you
To kill all of you")

How does the world see me?
DE - Fresh New Blood
("Pin-cushion queen" okay...)

Will I have a happy life?
FOB - Of All The Gin Joints in All the World
("Waste my time dreaming of being alive" well guess not, then)

What do my friends really think of me?
the Used - Take It Away
("I'm a worm with no more chances" hahahahaa thanks mates)

Do people secretly lust after me?
FOB - A Sophomore Slump Or Comeback of the Year
("It's just a matter of time until we're all found out" Exactly.)

Will I accomplish my goals in life?
MCR - I Never Told You What I Do for a Living
("I tried, well I tried, well I tried
Cause I tried, but I lied
I tried, I tried, I tried")

Will I find true love?
FOB - Love Will Tear Us Apart

How do I treat others?
TBS - Spin
(" it's nothing that I'm proud of--I treat it like disease." well you caught me.)

Ja sit suameks:

01 Missä asut:
Matchbook Romance - Promise
("Left remembering what it's like")

02 Kuvaile ensirakkauttasi:
FFAF - The End of Nothing
("Killing you might be the only thing I have for recovery")

03 Kuvaile tämän hetkistä ihastumistasi:
TBS - Error: Operator
("Look I don't make those mistakes no more.")

04 Mikä on haasteesi:
C&C - Crossing the Frame
("if I Stayed here at home")

05 Ketkä ovat ystäviäsi:
the Used - Let It Bleed
("Picked the scabs and picked the bleeding")

06 Kuvaile ulkonäköäsi:
the Used - I'm A Fake
(ahahahahhahahaha "Just look at me, look at me now.I'm a fake, I'm a fake, I'm fake, I'm fake")

07 Mitä teit viime yönä:
MCR - This Is the Best Day Ever
("From silent dreams we never wake")

08 Mikä on elämäsi tavoite:
FOB - Saturday
("Me and Pete,
In the wake of Saturday" ahahahahahahhahahahahahhhHAAAAAAAA)

09 Milloin harrastat seksiä:
MCR - Thank You For the Venom
("you never had a chance" :D:D)

10 Miten haluat kuolla:
DE - So Long Sisters
("Just give me a minute and IÂ’ll be already on my way")

11 Mitä sanot vanhemmillesi:
TBS - What's It Feel Like to Be a Ghost?
(ahahha :D)

12 Missä vietät aikaasi:
FOB - I Slept With Someone And All I Got Was This Stupid Song
(joo-o :D)

13 Mitä ajattelet yhteiskunnasta:
DE - Drop Dead Casanova
("I can not wait
for you people to bring down your statues ")

14 Kuvaile viimeisintä sydänsuruasi:
SOTY - We Don't Care Anymore
("The shadows of our past, hard to ignore")

15 Mikä on selityksesi kaikelle:
FOB - Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy
("I could be an accident but I'm still trying. ")

17 Mihin kysymyksiin elämästä et ole saanut vastauksia:
the Used -the Taste of Ink
("Is it worth it?")

18 Mikä on lempivärisi:
TBS - Divine Intervention
("Past the blues, past the blues,")

19 Mikä on neuvosi vähemmän kokeneille:
P!ATD - But It's Better If You Do
(:D :D)

20 Mitä tekisit mieluiten juuri nyt:
P!ATD - Build God Then We'll Talk

21 Kuvaile parasta ystävääsi:
FFAF - Sonny
("You are bleak, you are beautiful, no matter what they say")

22 Mitä on sänkysi alla:
FFAF - Streetcar
("I'll be here when you get home" :D)

23 Mikä on ollut suurin saavutuksesi:
Tirehtöörit - Toimesta tuumaan
(ahahahhahahahahaha :'D )

24 Mihin menet häämatkalle:
TBS - MakeDamnSure
("To the jukebox bars you frequent.
The safest place to hide. " No jes. Ihanan romanttista :D)

25 Mitä on TEE NÄMÄ -listallasi:
MCR - Hang 'Em High
("Mass convulsions,Strike the choir,By the grace of God,Gun it while I'm holding on"O_O)

26 Missä olisit mieluiten juuri nyt
(:D )

En ikinä unohda.Tiistai 30.05.2006 19:40

Tämä päivä on ollut ehkä elämäni vaikeimpia ja raskaimpia. Ei ehkä kuulosta niin suurelta asialta kun sanoo että koirani kuoli, mutta se oli paras ystävä mitä ikinä voi pyytää.

Se meni taas paljon huonompaan kuntoon eilen, alkoi kakoa enemmän ja joutui pitämään päätään pystyssä ja läähättämään saadakseen henkeä. Aamulla se tuli tapansa mukaan mun huoneeseen häntä väsyneesti heiluen muttei enää voinut millään hypätä sänkyyn mun viereen. Se oli niin surullisen näkönen...Vietiin se pari tuntia sitten lääkäriin. Lääkäri koski sen kylkeä ja sano samantien ettei tarvitse edes kuunnella sydänääniä, sydän on ihan loppu. Tehtiin se vaikea päätös ja Petteri nukkui mun syliin.

Onneksi vein sen eilen vielä mökille, sen rakastamaan paikkaan, viimeisen kerran. Sieltä toi kuvakin on otettu. Viedään sen tuhkat sinne. Ei tunnu oikealta haudata sitä mihinkään yleiseen hautausmaahan.

En voi edes kuvailla miten pahalta tuntuu tulla kotiin ilman Petteriä. Avata ovi ja puoliksi odottaa että Petteri juoksee häntä heiluen ja ilosta uikuttaen tervehtimään, vaikka olisin ollut vain 5min poissa.
I'm an emo kid :D

[] Do you have long hair?
[] Do you like Beer?
[x] Have you ever been in a Moshpit?
[] You don't believe in God?
[] You got a Pentagram/heartogram on some clothing article etc.?
[] You own some spikes?
[½x] Can you play guitar?
[x] Can you growl?
[x] Do you own Boots?
[x] Do you rock out?
Total: 4½

[x] Ever been in a play?
[] Have you ever seen a Broadway show?
[] More than 10 Broadway shows?
[x] Have you ever been/are you in school shows?
[] Does your current job involve theater in some way?
[] Want to end up working in/for theater
[] Can you recite all of the lyrics to your favorite play/musical?
[x] Do you break out into random songs whenever/wherever!!
[] Do you like the 'Sound of Music'?
[] Did you like the Broadway show you saw?
Total: 3

[] Do you have a couch in your front yard or porch?
[] Do you drive a four-wheeler?
[] Do you ride four-wheelers?
[] Do you like to get dirty?
[] Do you like country music?
[] Do you have a broken car in your back yard?
[] Do you own a cowboy hat?
[] Do you have more then 4 different animals at your home?
[] Do you watch Larry the Cable Guy videos?
[] Do you live on more than 1 acres?
Total: 0

[x] Do you wear black eyeliner?
[] Is most of your clothing dark?
[x] Do you think about death often?
[not yet] Do you want to die?
[]Do you feel like you want to die?
[½x] Are you a social outcast?
[] Are you pale?
[x] Do you like Hot Topic?
[x] Do you enjoy Tim burton movies?
[x] Are you mean?
ToTal: 5½

[] Can you skateboard?
[x] Do you wear Skateboarding shoes?
[x] Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?
[] Have you gotten in trouble with the Cops
[] Do you watch the x-games?
[not yet] Do/did you have any piercings other than your ears?
[x] Do you like/wear a mohawk?
[x] Do you wear Band t-shirts?
[x] Have you called someone a poser recently?
Total: 5

[x] Do you say the word "like" (In sentences o_O)
[] Do you shop at Hollister/Abercrombie&Fitch/AE/Aero?
[] Do the people in Hot Topic scare you?
[x] Do u giggle alot when your'e with your friends/girlfriend/boyfriend?
[] Have/do you watch(ed) LAGUNA BEACH?
[] Do you like pop music?
[] Do you want/have a little dog?
[x] Do you laugh a lot?
Total : 3

[] Is your hair long?
[] Do you own a tye-dye shirt?
[x] Do you want to save the animals?
[x] Do you think war is unnecessary?
[x] Do you like classic rock?
[x :D] Have you ever participated in a protest?
[] Have you ever been overcome with a desire to hug a tree?
[x well hey, if that person is for example Frank Iero...] Is your idea of fun sitting around one person playing a guitar and singing along?
[] Do you see someone playing frisbee and automatically ask to play?
Total: 5 ahahahahahhaa

[] Do you act ghetto sometimes?
[] Do you wear do-rags?
[½x] Do you like rap?
[] Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?
[RAYFRO] Do you like afros?
[x] Have you ever said "Fo Sho"/ "Fo Shizzle"?
[x] Do you like to dance?
[] Do You own 40 cd's?
[] Are you colored?
total: 3½

[x] Do you cry often?
[x] Do you wear hoodies?
[x] Do you like soft music?
[x] Do people not understand you?
[ ] Do you write your own poems?
[x] Do you dye your hair red, black, or any dark color?
[] Do you cut your own hair?
[x] Do you sometimes feel very lonely?
[x] Is "Ohio Is For Lovers" by Hawthorne Heights a good song?
Total: 7

[] Do you surf?
[] Do you wear flip flops all year around?
[x] Is your hair shaggy/layered?
[] Do you wake up before 6 every morning?
[x] Do you own any pairs of shorts?
[] Do you think the ocean is radical?
[x] Do you want to be at the beach right now?
Total: 3

[x] Do you wear glasses?
[sometimes] Do you get good grades?
[] Do you use an inhaler?
[] Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?
[] Does your mom pick out your clothes?
[x] Are you on the computer often?
[not anymore] Do you ever get picked on?
[] Do you look forward to going to school?
[sometimes] Are you shy around the opposite sex?
[ ] Do you play video games?
Total: 2½

1. Metalhead [4½]
2. Drama Dork [3]
3. Redneck [0]
4. Goth [5½]
5. Skater/Punk [5]
6. Prep [3]
7. Hippie [5]
8. Gangsta [3½]
9. Emo [7]
10. Surfer [3]
11. Geek [2½]