
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

-Tiistai 19.01.2010 18:47


:FLauantai 28.11.2009 20:53

iha väsy.
mut se yks ain mieles (;

>:(Perjantai 27.11.2009 16:26

mu kone ei suostu lisään kuvia tänne P:<

CHASING CARSMaanantai 23.11.2009 22:03

We'll do it all, everything,
on our own.
we don't need anything
or anyone.
If i lay here,
if i just lay here,
would you lie with me and
just forget the world?
I don't quite know
how to say how i feel.
those three words are said
too much, they're not enough.
If i lay here, if i just lay here
would you lie with me
and just forget the wolrd?
Forget what we're told
before we get too old.
Show me a garden that's
bursting into life.
Let's waste time Chasing cars
around our heads.
All that i am, all that i ever was
is here in your perfect eyes,
they're all i can see.
I don't know where,
confused how as well
just know that these things
will never change for us at all.
If i lay here,
if i just lay here,
would you lie with me and
just forget the world?

Tommi 170909 !

JEI !Tiistai 03.11.2009 19:09

Täst joulust tulee nii paras !!!!!!!!!!!1

<3Perjantai 30.10.2009 18:37

make meille ja sit vedetää karkkii ja katotaa elokuvii !!!!!! (:

-Lauantai 24.10.2009 20:56

shopping with sonja <3

:((Keskiviikko 21.10.2009 14:05

et tiedäkkään kuinka paljon satutit...
hän ei tullukka.

#Maanantai 19.10.2009 16:45


&Torstai 15.10.2009 19:11

tänää kattoo lukko - ilves :))

salee ilves voittaa