


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind

miss one?Sunnuntai 04.04.2010 15:48

there's a feeling here inside that i cannot hide
and i know i've tried but it's turning me around
i'm not sure that i'm aware, if i'm up or down or here or there
i need both feet on the ground
maybe i'm just going crazy - let myself get uptight
i'm acting just like a baby
but i'm gonna alright as soon as i get home
... back to humanoid city
in a different place, in a different time, different people around me
i would like to know of that different world and how different they find me
how will i know, if i'll ever get home again, back to humanoid city?
here i am alone though it feels the same
i don't know where i'm going, i'm here on my own
and it's not a game, and a strange wind is blowing
i'm so amazed at the things that i see here
don't want to be afraid, i just don't want to be afraid
i just don't want to be here, in my mind this is clear
what am i doing here?
i wish i was home... in humanoid city.

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