


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 07.04.2010 02:27

no one knows how you feel, no one there you'd like to see
the day was dark and full of pain
you write "help" with your own blood cause hope is all you've got
you open up your eyes but nothing's changed
i don't want to cause you trouble, don't wanna stay too long
i just came here to say to you
turn around, i am here
if you wanna it's me you'll see
doesn't count far or near
i can hold you when you reach for me
your life is meaningless, your diary full of trash
it's so hard to get along with empty hands
tou're looking for the rainbow but it died not long ago
it tried to shine just for you until the end
i don't want to cause you trouble, don't wanna stay too long
i just came here to say to you
i am by your side just for a little while
if the world makes you confused and your senses you seem to lose
if the storm doesn't wanna diffuse and you just don't know what to do
look around - i am here, doesn't count far or near
i am by your side, just for a little while
we'll make it if we try

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