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Kill Hannah - Crazy AngelMaanantai 13.10.2008 16:24

It's serious, I've got to find you
When I start to feel this way
You mesmerize me, all the time
And I'll hold on 'til tonight
But that's too long
'Cause you're an angel
Oh oh, you're an angel
My crazy angel
My crazy angel

So serious, I've got to take you home again tonight
'Cause right now you paralyze me
With your smile
As your wings discard their feathers on the ground
I see a halo, oh oh, up above you
My crazy angel
My crazy angel

I hold on so hard
And pray that I won't say something wrong
I look at the stars
And dream that the universe was ours
My crazy angel

I hold on so hard
And pray that I won't say something wrong
I look at the stars
And dream that the universe was ours, oh
It won't ever stop
My crazy angel
My crazy angel
My crazy angel
My crazy angel

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