
heippa<3Maanantai 31.08.2009 20:14

Wrap me in a bolt of lightning
Send me on my way still smiling
Maybe that's the way I should go,
Straight into the mouth of the unknown
I left the spare key on the table
Never really thought I'd be able to say
I merely visit on the weekends
I lost my whole life and a dear friend

I've said it so many times
I would change my ways
No, nevermind
God knows I've tried

Call me a sinner, call me a saint
Tell me it's over I'll still love you the same
Call me your favorite, call me the worst
Tell me it's over I don't wan't you to hurt
It's all that I can say. So, I'll be on my way

I finally put it all together,
But nothing really lasts forever
I had to make a choice that was not mine,
I had to say goodbye for the last time
I kept my whole life in suitcase,
Never really stayed in one place
Maybe that's the way it should be,
You know I've led my life like a gypsy

I'll always keep you inside, you healed my
Heart and my life... And you know I try.

So, I'll be on my way
So, I'll be on my way

PÄÄSINMaanantai 31.08.2009 14:39


heippa lukio !

one step at a time.Torstai 27.08.2009 23:22


Disturbed-DarknessKeskiviikko 26.08.2009 23:19

Don't turn away
I pray you've heard
The words I've spoken
Dare to believe
For one last time
And then I'll let the

Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own

Carry me away
I need your strength
To get me through this
Dare to believe
For one last time
And then I'll let the

kertosäe 2x

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 26.08.2009 23:03

tykkään mun kynsistä !8))

kohta amis.Keskiviikko 26.08.2009 19:25

iiihan helvvetinKeskiviikko 26.08.2009 01:34

hukassa ja sekasi.

älä veera vielä intoile !Tiistai 25.08.2009 01:08

pitää tässä nyt vielä muistuttaa itteensä, että tosiaan on se soveltumistesti tai koe vai mikä olikaan ja täs voi viellä mennä monta asiaa pielee. :ss

meiän koulussa jääätyyyTorstai 20.08.2009 13:47

ihan sika kylmäää !