
-Lauantai 13.11.2010 02:06

I walked alone
I never tried to stay in line
I didnÂ’t know what I was doing half the time
I didnÂ’t know that my life could ever change
I didnÂ’t think that anybodyÂ’d feel the same way
And then you came

People said weÂ’d have to make it on our own
We never thought thereÂ’d be another hand to hold
We didnÂ’t care, we never did what we were told
They couldnÂ’t break us
They could never turn us col
You and me well we were never growing old

I see you now
We talk about
The way it used to be
When we were brave
We misbehaved
Yeah you know what I mean
And you know why
Our battle cry always comes back to me

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