


Life is a bitch and then we die.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 16.11.2009 23:15

Good morning day
Sorry I'm not there
But all my favorite friends
Vanished... in the air
It's hard to fly when you can't even run
Once I had the world, but now I've got no one

If I needed someone to control me
If I needed someone to hold me down
I would change my direction
And save myself before I...
If I needed someone to control me
If I needed someone to push me around
I would change my direction
And save myself before I... drown

Good morning day
Sorry you're not here
But all those times before
Were never this unclear
It's hard to walk when you can't even crawl
Once I had this world, but now I've lost it all

If I needed someone to control me
If I needed someone to hold me down
I would change my direction
And save myself before I...
If I needed someone to control me
If I needed someone to push me around
I would change my direction
And save myself before I...

Rolling faster than I'm breathing

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