


Mä haluisin käyttää sun reisiä korvaläppinä.

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

SosKeskiviikko 10.02.2010 22:25

Let The Music Play
You Wont Get Away
Just Get the Groove (S-S-S-S-S.O.S)
And then he'll come back to you again (he'll come back to you ohwoah)
Let the music play
He wont get away (get away)
This groove he cant ignore (S-S-S-S-S.O.S)
He wont leave you anymore
(Let it Play!)
Let The Music Play
You Wont Get Away (S-S-S-S-S.O.S)
Just Get the Groove
And then he'll come back to you again
(Let it Play!)
Let the music play
He wont get away (S-S-S-S-S.O.S)
This groove he cant ignore
He wont leave you anymore
(Let it Play!)
Let The Music Play
You Wont Get Away (S-S-S-S-S.O.S)
Just Get the Groove
And then he'll come back to you again
(No No No)
Let the music play
He wont get away (S-S-S-S-S.O.S)
This groove he cant ignore
He wont leave you anymore
(Let it Play!)

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