

Käyntejä: 1 614 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
10 jäsentä
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23,0 vuotta
Otos: 4 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 20,2 vuotta
Poikien keski-ikä: 25,7 vuotta

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distroIron Maiden @ SonisphereLuonut: distroLauantai 07.08.2010 06:07

1 Day Remaining...
Ajattelin ehdottaa Joonakselle automusiikiks seuraavia Maiden levyjä:
Number of The Beast: Klassikko jo syntyessään
A Matter of Life And Death: Uudempaa Iron Maidenia
Live After Death: Livemenoa tunnelmaan virittäytymiseen ;D

Kuva liittyy vahvasti.

nameless-[Ei aihetta]Luonut: nameless-Torstai 17.07.2008 21:42

ei suotta hienoa maideni keikalle huomenna

Tää on kait settilista oujeejee

0. Intro. Churchill's Speech

1. "Aces High" (From Powerslave, 1984)

2. "2 Minutes to Midnight" (From Powerslave, 1984)

3. "Revelations" (From Piece of Mind, 1983)

4. "The Trooper" (From Piece of Mind, 1983)

5. "Wasted Years" (From Somewhere in Time, 1986)

6. "The Number of The Beast" (From The Number of the Beast, 1982)

7. "Can I Play with Madness" (From Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 1988)

8. "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (From Powerslave, 1984)

9. "Powerslave" (From Powerslave, 1984)

10. "Heaven Can Wait" (From Somewhere in Time, 1986)

11. "Run to the Hills" (From The Number of the Beast, 1982)

12. "Fear of The Dark" (From Fear of The Dark, 1992)

13. "Iron Maiden" (From Iron Maiden, 1980)

14. "Moonchild" (From Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 1988)

15. "The Clairvoyant" (From Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, 1988)

16. "Hallowed Be Thy Name" (From The Number of the Beast, 1982)

(puhakalta kopioin)
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