

Käyntejä: 3 091
26 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 26
31,0 vuotta
Otos: 12 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,0 vuotta

Jäsenet (26)


Rixa</3Luonut: RixaPerjantai 14.01.2011 00:14

She can't see the way your eyes will light up when you smile
She never noticed how you stop and stare whenever she walks by
And you can't see me wanting you the way you want her
But you are everything to me

And I just want to show you, she don't even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
And you just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible, yeah

There's a fire inside of you that can't help but shine through
But she's never gonna see the light, no matter what you do
And all I think about is how to make you think of me
And everything that we could be

And I just want show you, she don't even know you
She's never gonna love you like I want to
And you just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible

Like shadows in the faded light, oh, we're invisible
I just wanna open your eyes and make you realize

And I just want to show you, she don't even know you
Baby, let me love you, let me want you
You just see right through me but if you only knew me
We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable
Instead of just invisible, oh, yeah

She can't see the way your eyes will light up when you smile
give your anxities full rein
and all the constrict suffering
these days are hard to get through
when someone mentiones you
my heart breaks, into million pieces
and my crippled soul, that word pierces
my head is too crowded, full of things
all the happy memories your name brings
but when i realize, they're unreachable
i become numb, unpredictable
this apphrension really bothers me
only thing in my head, is she
and her words of happiness & glory

chokechain[Ei aihetta]Luonut: chokechainPerjantai 26.11.2010 19:01

Tahdon sun sen tietävän, etten milloinkaan
itsestäänselvyydeksi oo luullut mitään kallista.
things we once said
love, hate, forever
those things inside our heads
makes us feel better
you could be the love of my life
but in my quiddity i feel, i only shatter your heart
you're everything i ever wanted
the smithereens are getting apart

this disoriented heart, it never finds true love

liquordeath of loveLuonut: liquorTiistai 02.11.2010 06:46

still i can see you crying
walking alone the sunset
it starts raining
everything is breaking down
you just keep on walking
on that sad little road
i can see that youre thinking
about death of love
it was my mistake
i shattered your heart
it brings me really down
to see you walk alone
it wasnt our time
i had to let you go
our love was just a disguise
to hide my past life
once i was a devil
once i did something bad
your heart is just a toy
that my heart truly enjoy

love is not for me
i was born for this
simply breaking hearts
Just forget me
so you can find the true one
this is the death of my love

i see no reason to carry on
i'll return to my past life
again breaking hearts[/i]
this has happened
and will happen again
but darling im afraid
this is the end
this is nothing but a fake love
a relationship to hide the past
to hide the real me
i want to get back to yesterday
im really, really sorry
that this happened to you
i live my life in complete sorrow
just you to know
things that once were beautiful
i've said goodbye to them
i dont want to live my life like this

mariame[Ei aihetta]Luonut: mariameKeskiviikko 29.09.2010 00:57

rakastanko tätä biisiä vai rakastanko tätä biisiä?

neverdawnEversongLuonut: neverdawnTiistai 31.08.2010 02:19

breathe the air of the big city
it deflects me away from this world
this city breaks us apart
this city of destroyed love

We dont belong here,
lets fly to the skies above
broken down cause were miles away

you're just one more wounded angel for my life

i know this road, that im going to follow
the road of misery
love,above, wake me up, wake me rise
hate, fate, help me rise

i've said that i don't care'bout you anymore
slitting my heart out, can you see now

you're just one more wounded angel for my life

i know this road, that im going to follow
the road of misery
love,above, wake me up, wake me up}
hate, fate, help me rise } 2 X

help me to forget.
I've waited for years
and my eyes are filled with tears
.:all my deepest fears
i have drowned them with hundreds of beers:.

.:I saw the light it greets me bright
the memories of you theyre out of sight:.

Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
cause now im happy that we're apart
Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
I got a new life ahead, that im going to gain

Im happy now out of my mind
last words i herd "have fun god bless"
Shut up, i dont care less
I dont fucking care about you

Chorus 2

Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
cause now im happy that we're apart
Dance dance move your ass, take a good stance
.:I got a new life ahead, that im going to gain
Deep inside, I will hate you forever:.
Venomous report of our lifes

Hey, I heard you deplored you life sucks
But look around, you´re not alone
She is skint, dirty and she uses drugs
sleeping evry night under the boat
'cause she haven´t home any more

This is venomous report of our lifes
Somethin bad happens to evrybody sometimes
But it raise you up in high if you survive
Be strong, stand up
If you see the wall don´t stop
Run through it
Yes you can do it
oh yeah baby
Try to do it

Problems won´t ever ends
Get one off, the other appears
Keep care you always have friends
at least the one who never disappears
It is only way keep you alive

You have to fight if you want good life
Remember limits don´t drive over the line
Write the plans and throw away
cause you life is goin another way
you cant choose it if you don't try

This is venomous report of our lifes.. x2
You can do it
Doesn´t you?

You can do evrything if you want
Don´t just waitin, don´t just stand
Life goes, go you too
Take your dreams and make them true
If you really really want it

Saa kertoo rakentavaa palautetta, mm. missä on kielioppivirheitä yms :D jos joku jaksaa ees ettii niit kaikkii miljoonii x)