

Käyntejä: 3 080
26 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 26
31,0 vuotta
Otos: 12 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 31,0 vuotta

Jäsenet (26)

Well I don't want no preacher telling me about the god in the sky
No I don't want no one to tell me where I'm gonna go when I die
I wanna live my life, I don't want people telling me what to do
I just believe in myself, 'cause no one else is true

So believe what I tell you, it's the only way to fight in the end
Just believe in yourself, you know you really shouldn't have to pretend
Don't let those empty people try and interfere with your mind
Just live your life and leave them all behind

[Aparrrrrhainta !Luonut: [AKeskiviikko 27.07.2011 16:54

See it all started the other day

I was smoking and, you know, thinking to myself all deeply you know how you do sometimes when you smoke weed, you start thinking too deeply and it all gets a bit scary.

Anyway, I'm just getting back to the point which is I was thinking about how if I were to die have I done everything that I would really like to do and I haven't. So this is a list of everything i'd like to do before I die...

Anyway, before I die I wanna drive a farrari and a Harley, go on safari, withdraw a million pound coins from barclays. Just for the sake of it. Just so I can say I did. So you can get an arranged hatred and say that I take the piss.

I don't care, why would I? This is what I wanna do. I'm talking about me so why would I give a fuck about you!

ei vittu voi olla totta, joka kappaleessa ihan helvetin hyvät lyriikat! :Dd yksinkertaisesti sanottuna täydellistä musiikkia kaikin puolin!
You wanna see me down, if only you could see me now, toe to toe, lets go I got no fears Just know that I'll be here when the smoke clears.
Certain man are telling to much lies, took a shank 'cause I got too much pride
I see there's a thin line between love and hate and once you've crossed it it's too late to come back.
A few people'd tell you that I aint shit, still mistaking their jealousy for hatred. I wonder if it would of changed if it wasn't for the game, either way I wouldn't change shit.
Might give a little, but I take none, I am the difference, I aint trying to make one.
Suck out, you think I give a fuck 'bout when any a these pricks run their mouth?
Your speech long, say what you like but take it as a fuck you when I don't respond.
So passed, I'm beyond, so lickle man be gone. For your playing havoc with my ambience.

liquorboredLuonut: liquorMaanantai 04.07.2011 14:40

We really should start to see eachother again
baby, you're the only thing in my head
I've messed around, ye i know
lets talk'bout all of this, please dont go

I promised this to you, we'll stay gold forever
If you leave me now it's all gone, memories of her

you're the deep dark sun in my bright sky
In this sea of mess forever we'll cry
We drown in our lies, no more goodbyes
Let's get out of these anchors, we'll survive

We sing the same notes in the same melody
this is either beautiful or the greatest felony

AN: Ku ei taas löytyny mistään ja oli aikaa ja tylsyys niin olkaapa hyvä :D

Paleface - Patinoitunu Runomies Lyrics.

Kun hämärtää nään Äänisen kypärän,
Hän kumartaa nään kyynisen äpärän.

Eettinen Stali jollon liikaa rahaa,
Staattinen eli syö raakaa lihaa.

Kalervo Palsa valitteli sekavasti,
Palervo Kalsa selitteli vakavasti.

Töihioton surkeena toistuuko maine,
Suihiotost törkeenä maistuuko toine.

Tonni kätee ja passit ja tiketit,
Känni totee ja tissit ja paketit.

Koukut, pakkelit ja pullokassi,
Paukut, kokkelit ja kallopussit.

Ääni ja Vimma - Portille Yksi,
Viini ja Ämmä - Yrtille Poksi.

Sellerin pikakäyttö oikeaa(n) valoo,
Pillerin sekakäyttö vaikeaa(n) oloo.

Patinoitunu Runomies Kivittää Sokkelia x 2
Kivittää Sokkelia

Patinoitunu Runomies Kivittää Sokkelia
Kivittää, kivittää Sokkelia x 2

Nyt viskaa paahdetta levarit simahtaa,
paskaa viihdettä jolle sivarit lemahtaa.

Tosta paskana paikka ja hujautus,
Pasta toskana huikka ja pajautus.

Tupakkakassu joka hurahti käämeistä,
Kapakkatussu joka kärähti huumeista.

Hallinnan tasapaino partisaanin kuritus,
Tallinan Hasapaino kurtisaanin paritus.

Aija tehtaalla - Ex-poikaystävä,
Teija ahtaalla - Pox eikä ystävä.

Ruusuinen Punkkarileidi ottaa vähän hepoa,
Puusuinen Runkkari-Heidi ottaa vähän lepoa.

Tomera Kaveri vahti koloa,
Kamera Toveri Kohti Valoa!

Suorastaan pirullisesti viitataan tuttuun,
Pierastaan surullisesti ja tuutataan vittuun.

Patinoitunu Runomies Kivittää Sokkelia,
Kivittää Kivittää Sokkelia x 4


Patinoitunu Runomies Kivittää Sokkelia x 2
Kivittää Sokkelia.

Patinoitunu Runomies Kivittää Sokkelia,
Kivittää Kivittää Sokkelia. x 2

naksosMuistojaLuonut: naksosTorstai 19.05.2011 10:52

Avain kädessä, avain elämään
Kunnioitusta vanhemmille
Elämä edessä, oon valmis tähän tehtävään
Olla malliesimerkki pienemmille

Ohjaa mua arvot ja eettiset säännöt
Kukaan ei anna toista vaihtoehtoo
Tavoitteista tehdään isot väännöt
Illalla keinutan meijän vanhaa kehtoo

Pidä huoli oikeuksista omista
Kaikki täällä on rumaa
Valtiokin vie sun korista
Korista, somista huules, laita lisää sitä punaa

Luulin tulleeni vahvemmaksi, paremmaksi
Muistelet aikoi hyvii, muistan ne hyvin
Silti päässäni soi biitti tämä ja sana: anteeksi
Vaikka kuinka yritän, parempaan pyrin, niin silti tyrin

Tiedän miten luodaan pysyvä side
Sulla se on vain eriävä mielipide
Tiedän miten luodaan pysyvä side
Sulla se on vain eriävä mielipide

Kaduttaa teot vanhat
Ilkivaltaa, väkivaltaa
Silti muistoissani säilyy ne parhaimmat
Vältellään valtavirtaa ja virkavaltaa

Jätä viina vähemmälle
Anna arvoa elämmälle
Jätä huumeet vähemmälle
Anna arvoa elämälle

Tiedän miten luodaan pysyvä side
Sulla se on vain eriävä mielipide
Tiedän miten luodaan pysyvä side
Sulla se on vaan eriävä mielipide

liquoraika perusLuonut: liquorTiistai 10.05.2011 15:33

I want you to be my last first kiss,
you're the hope in my deep dark mind.
I want you to be my life and goodbyes,
you're the light of my life.

mariameeipä tässä muutaLuonut: mariamePerjantai 29.04.2011 23:20

i still wonder where you are,
but it doesn't matter cause it's still too far

Golden_lamiaNo mitäs luulisitte?Luonut: Golden_lamiaKeskiviikko 09.03.2011 17:49

"If you feel better
Telling me I'm cruel
Saying I'm unfeeling
I don't mind
If it's necessary
If it helps you out
Crying that I'm heartless
It's alright

And I'm sorry to cause you so much pain
And I'm sorry to bring you down again
'Cause I've reached the end and I won't fight anymore
I don't know what you really want from me
But I don't fit in your reality
How can any man be so blind
But if you feel better
I don't mind

If you feel safer
Keeping to yourself
Placing trust in no one
I won't cry
If it calms your conscience
Making me the guilty one
Take my reputation
Ain't worth much
And it's alright

And I'm sorry to cause you so much pain
And I'm sorry to bring you down again
'Cause I've reached the end and I won't fight anymore
I don't know what you really want from me
But I don't fit in your reality
How can any man be so blind
But if you feel better
I don't mind

Won't make me sorry 'cause I'm cruel
Won't hurt the feelings I don't have
Won't break the heart that isn't there you'll find
But if you feel better
Telling me I'm cruel
Saying I'm unfeeling
I don't mind
I don't mind
I don't mind"

Rixagrenade ♥♥♥Luonut: RixaTorstai 27.01.2011 21:54

Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live
Oh, take, take, take it all but you never give
Should've known you was trouble
from the first kiss
Had your eyes wide open, why were they open?

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash,
you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no

Black, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numb
Tell the devil I said, hey, when you get back to where you're from
Mad women, bad women, that's just what you are, yeah
You'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car

Gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes,
you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
'Cause what you don't understand is

I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for ya, baby
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire

Ooh, you'd watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me, you're a liar
'Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby

But darling, I'd still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya

I would go through all this pain
Take a bullet straight through my brain
Yes, I would die for you, baby
But you won't do the same

No, you won't do the same
You wouldn't do the same
Ooh, you never do the same
No, no, no, no