


Mä näytän sulle taivaan - jos uskallat

Cry baby, cry **Torstai 22.03.2007 00:10

Crying is a coping mechanism. That's why I cry. I cry bacause I feel like crying, I'm sad. I've had enough for now. No more heart ache and insecure feelings. No feelings at all. Not from me, I'm done with this shit.

T - I'll never forgive you. I told you that you don't excist to me anymore. Never again.
H - There's nothing to forgive. I knew the rules. I just forgot them for one night. And I'm glad I did.
J - You did what you did. I wouldn't have done it, if I had known. Shame on you.
JS - I'm sorry, but you asked for it. No hard feelings.
M - I love you and I allways have. And you know it.
The disease - I hate you the most. You mess thing up for me. I blame you.

Smell the sweet bitterness.
But I'm not crying anymore.

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