


Tarviin sua mun lähel, sun käsii mun kädel Oon sekasin, mä tekisin mitä vaan sun tähden <3

</3Lauantai 31.10.2009 00:53

Broadcast - You break my heart

You break my heart
I love you just the same
I leave you cold
Prentend that I'll be brave
'Cause how you move
How they talk of you
How you walk past me
And still not see

I tried it all
The roses and the wine
Mind my call
Or else I'll lose it all
I'm on my own
And my home ain't home
I cry my fear
That you won't hear

You break my heart
You leave me lost in the dark
You break my heart
Why must you tear up my heart

You fill my heart
And break it just the same
You take my nights
And pay them back with pain
You take my days
You take them far away
You tie them down
With just one frown

You break my heart
You leave me lost in the dark
You break my heart
Why must you tear up my heart

When you're in the crowd around me
Just a star above me
You're there
But out of my reach

You break my heart..

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