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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ahoy
Stranger: Arr there!
You: Nice, we have a connection.
Stranger: yarr! we're poth pirates!
Stranger: both*
You: yep
You: from the seven seas
You: have u stolen many ships this year?
Stranger: I captured a big one yersterday!
You: !
You: Hope u buried the treasure to some lonely island
Stranger: ofcoruse!
Stranger: what pirate would i be otherwise?
You: yeah
You: fancy going to the caribbean sea?
Stranger: Yarr! a lot of gold there
You: some bang bang with trade ships and maybe parties with sexy female landlubbers ;D
Stranger: let's hope not
Stranger: (I'm a female pirate)
You: I have lots of rum in my ships
Stranger: Nice!
You: ohh, u ar so rare
You: not many are female, dunno why
Stranger: they are scared!
You: they should be!
You: yeargh
You: or maybe not this much..
Stranger: yarr! I control the seven seas!
You: nnonono, I control the seven seas!
Stranger: NO!
Stranger: I KILL YOU
Stranger: I'll keelhaul you!
You: I jump to the small boat and sail away with my parrot :(
Stranger: Then I bring out the cannons!
You: to my treasure island
You: nono, u want to see mah gold
Stranger: you'll be marooned on that island. And when you slowly die, I drink yer rum!
You: oh fuck
Stranger: Muhaha!
You: well, let's say that I not completely control the seven seas
Stranger: Of perhaps I'll send the Kraken upon you!
You: I swear that I'll send u a seagull flying around ur ship for that!
Stranger: OOH, i'm tremblin!
You: have u ever been in the edge of the world?
Stranger: Yar! I've been to all the edges of the world
You: yeah, its nice when u come up from one edge to another if u sail through
Stranger: Yeah! :D like a portal
You: and the royal war ships don't dare to follow u
You: besides, they are much slower than pirate ships
Stranger: tss, the east indian trading company can bite me.
You: like every other ship types.
You: yeah, that's interesting there
You: heard some stories
Stranger: yeah?
You: like great pirates capturing fucking big trade ships
Stranger: they are all really about me
You: and it was easy, no opposing force
Stranger: I have to go to sleep now, bye :D
You: maybe I'll sail past the african horn and say hello to same trade ships >:D
You: bye
Your conversational partner has disconnected.