


☆~ You Can't Wrestle Swordfish in Tampa ~☆

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.01.2009 23:40

Please stand by
We've come so far
four years we survived
The ride that turned us inside out

Repeat after me
Just scream and shout
It was the best of times
From broken homes and battle scars
To where we are

Paper chase
We'll get out of this place
Don't turn around
hit the highway pour some liquor out for this town

Now that's all for us
It's last call drink up

Roll it out
It's over now
We're the castouts
With messed up friends
Who never did fit in

Don't care where it ends
Doesn't matter now
Long as we're as one
We'll take the next bus
Destination: setting sun

Paper chase
We'll get out of this place
Don't turn around
hit the highway pour some liquor out for this town

Now that's all for us
It's last call drink up

Paper chase
We'll get out of this place
Don't turn around
hit the highway pour some liquor out for this town

Now that's all for us
It's last call drink up

This is an open invite
For all to attend
Don't ask too many questions now
Don't tell us how it ends
Cuz we're the ones who wrote the end

Paper chase
We'll get out of this place
Don't turn around
hit the highway pour some liquor out for this town

Now that's all for us
It's last call drink up

Paper chase
We'll get out of this place
Don't turn around
hit the highway pour some liquor out for this town

Now that's all for us
It's last call drink up

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