
The Beautiful Mistake - For a friendPerjantai 24.04.2009 23:46

Gone and disapearing on this cold night
I never thought it'd be that way
Your crying eyes they form the question
Formed by the words that we have shared

Uncovered signs now change the times
Perplexing incongruent lies
Unparalled, impossible, complacent amiable souls

God, I wanna see you on the inside
But it's not feeling like that way
I wanna see you on the inside
But it's not feeling like that way

Confusion bleeds to vulture stares
Conviction bleeds the silence here
She suffocates and I regret
Wafer thin and falling from interest

Goodbye my friend

And disapearing on this cold night
I never thought it'd be this way
Your crying eyes they form the question
Formed by the words that we have shared

I am sorry but this is the way it has to be right now
(The way it has to be)
I am sorry but this is the way it has to be right now
(I don't wanna see you cry)
I am sorry but this is the way it has to be right now
(The way it has to be)
I am sorry but this is the way it has to be right now
(The way it has to be)
Sääli ettei ehdi/pääse Helsinkiin tänään.

Pointti kuitenkin on
Ei kyllä voi kun nauraa Hollywoodille. Taino, tekijänoikeusjärjestöille. Kusevat oikeudenkäynnin, tuomari tekee täysin päättömän ratkaisun ja tuomitsee Pirate Bayn henkilöt. Vaikka tuomio voisi jossain määrin ollakin ymmärrettävä, niin se ei ole, että tuomiot olivat samoja kaikille neljälle [..web-hotellin tarjoaja mukaanluettuna, joka ei oikeasti tehnyt juuri mitään].

Moraalisella puolella voidaan pohtia sitä, onko lataaminen väärin vai oikein, mutta teknisellä tasolla Pirate Bay ei tee mitään väärää. He eivät säilö mitään tekijänoikeuden alaista sisältöä palvelimilla. Ainut ero Googleen on se, että .torrent -tiedostot sijaitsevat valmiiksi omilla palvelimilla. Google linkittää ne kuitenkin aivan samaan tapaan. Moraalisesti voidaan tosiaan olla montaa mieltä, mutta oikeuden ei tähän tulisi ottaa kantaa, vaan jokaisen ihmisen itse. Minä en ainakaan tule maksamaan levy-yhtiöille ~20e levystä, josta ~10snt menee sitten artistille. Poislukien tietenkin omakustannelevyt, mutta.. no, kuinka paljon niitä liikkuu? Parempi keino siis tukea on kuitenkin hankkia näitä fanituotteita ja keikoille lähteä, tällöin artisti oikeasti saakin jotain levy-yhtiön sijaan.
(En nyt pikaisesti löytänyt levyn hintojen vastaavia, mutta iTunesista ostaessasi kappaleen; levy-yhtiö saa 61 snt, iTunes 29snt ja artisti 9snt - miten oisi jos suurin ja pienin summa vaihtaisi paikkaansa? )

Onnea vain Piratpartietille jäsenmäärän huimasta noususta, eiköhän sitä tämän sotkun seurauksena vielä kolmanneksi suurimman puolueenkin raja rikota. Toivottavasti saavat vielä ihmiset mukaan äänestämiseen asti. Joskin tekijänoikeuslobbyjen takia hallituspaikka lienee silti kaukana [vasemmisto kenties voisi mukaan ottaakkin?]. Pitäisi kyllä hieman herättää poliitikkojakin tämä sotku. Ja Suomihan toivottavasti ottaisi, kuten aina, Ruotsista mallia. Ellei lobbaajat toimi turhan vahvasti vielä täällä, mikä lienee ikävä kyllä fakta.

No, ehkäpä tämä aiheuttaa hyvää boostia myös Suomen Piraattipuolueelle, ( ) ja vaikkei nyt EU-parlamenttiin päästäisikään, niin toivottavasti sitten eduskuntavaaleissa 2011. Siitähän sitä olisi hyvä lähteä korjaamaan tätä demokratiaksi kutsuttua korruptiota ja harvainvaltaa. Ei toki ole ainut ongelma, ei tosiaan, mutta hyvin ajankohtainen ja sellainen, johon muutosta on mahdollista saada suhteellisen "nopeallakin" aikataululla.

Mutta tosiaan, pakko oli hieman Piraattipuoluetta mainostaa. Ja pitääpä tosiaan itsekkin puolueeseen liittyä, ennemmin oli tarkoitus sivusta vain äänestää, mutta.. liika on liikaa.

Eipä tässä muuta, oli pakko hieman avautua tälle naurettavalle farssille.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.04.2009 21:52

"Is this my fate!?" he asked them
they answered, condemning him to burn
rejected, forsaken, for being fucking born
I can't believe that this is still a question
that needs an answer
a bigot's eyes judging lives
based on the sex of who you fuck

This is ignorance
failure to evolve
is failure to us all
when will you learn
that this is where we fall

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.04.2009 03:34

Take my skin.
I can't wait till you're in
So the whisper of sin can erase my face (my face)
If you start to think of how
I traded love for hate
And why I chase the rain.

Get in the fire with die-cast hardware.
This forced emotion to never give a care.
When the needle hits the skin
And the paper touches pen
I will let go of myself and do this all over again.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.04.2009 07:03

I'm struggling to bury deep inside secrets of my life
in choices I've been left with today I'm making up for lost times.
You asked where are we are we now, we are exactly nowhere
and it's not about denial. Sharpening my words to make an impact.

I'm so close!
I'm waiting for someone to watch me fall asleep
so I can dream tonight, turn out the lights,
I'm pulling myself down, I can't stop feeling like happy endings are out of style now.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.04.2009 22:16

It's raining outside
There's a storm front on my back
Trying to keep, trying to keep me away from you
A stranger's up ahead, holding up a knife
Trying to keep, trying to keep me away from you
It's raining outside
There's a storm front on my back
Trying to keep, trying to keep me away from you
The stars are falling down
Breaking up the road
Trying to keep, trying to keep me away from you

I'll scream till I bleed
I scream stay away from me
They can't keep me back
Keep me back

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 17.04.2009 13:42

This could be a movie
And this could be our final act
We don't need these happy endings
This could be a movie
And this could be our final act
We don't need these happy endings
I thought you were an angel, I guess you were a vulture.
Either way, spread your wings and just fly away.

YouÂ’re still chasing him.
My saving grace is saving face.
Lost on the backburner.
Good for, good for you.
My saving grace is saving face.
I just sit and wait.

Mutsi erehty selkeesti juhlasta. No, joulutortut on hyviä.

Ja joku, leikatkaa mun hiukset. Kiitos.

Hidden in plain view - Garden statementTiistai 07.04.2009 15:21

Parhaimpia lyriikoita ikinä. Yhä. Ja koskettavimpia.

The traffic's backed for miles
on these quiet suburban roads
while the rubber necking strangers
are dying to see this victim's wounds
cause he's all alone
with his notebooks and poems
in this open grave where he wrote
all of his secrets that became his lyrics
with no intent to show anyone

and we give and we give
but its all for nothing
its all for nothing
we try to resist but I give
everything and its all for nothing

so the panic sets and cycles
his mind for restless sleep
while the blood sucking leeches
contaminate every line they read
just leave him alone in this dark room
this white sheet tightly wrapped cocoon

cause its no secret
I fucking need this
Like I don't need anyone

and we give and we give
but its all for nothing
its all for nothing
we try to resist but I give
everything and its all for nothing

It's like I'm falling asleep with my eyes open
shutting down and off the lights
cause after all of this it's all or nothing
still I wouldn't try to fight

I've fallen asleep with my eyes open
(and you'll lie to all your friends)
(about sights you never saw)
shutting down and off the lights
(and you'll preach to all the press)
(about what you don't know at all)
cause after all of this it's all or nothing
still I wouldn't try to fight

So let me drown so I can breathe again
I'm through choking and suffocating
on alter egos and alter motives
which weigh you down and take control of
the way you are and the things that you need
the life you live and the dreams that you dream
distort and blur all in slow motion
they broke you down and now you're broken
and it's sadder than the saddest movie
I ever saw but without the beauty
so I stopped watching, I stopped caring
I lost all interest and I stopped wearing
these plastic smiles I'll wash my hands clean
I'll forget that you forgot about me
and I'll live the life, the big city feeling
cause it's better than suburban dreaming
Living off the friends that hate you
who talk shit on me
like I don't know who my real friends are
anymore no I don't know you anymore
and it's sadder than the saddest movie
I ever saw but without the beauty
so I stopped watching, I stopped caring

spill the ink and spill your guts again

I've fallen asleep with my eyes open
(and you'll lie to all your friends)
(about sights you never saw)
shutting down and off the lights
(and you'll preach to all the press)
(about what you don't know at all)
cause after all of this it's all or nothing
still I wouldn't try to fight