tv every week
I wanna buy your cd cause
your voice just makes me weep
I love your coat, your hair,
your throath,
the way you smoke
and random joke
Seeing Spike is like a
little death
with every breath
i don't take

Please Mr. Marsters
give me your number
Please Mr. Marsters
tell me your sign
Please just say you'll
make it go away
I've been thinking about
what if you were mine...

I keep collecting
newer Buffy-stuff
and even with the reruns
I can never get enough
With SMG and David B.
and Nick and pretty Aly
And of course Joss the Boss
who always writes the sex
and fights and bangers

Please Mr. Marsters
give me your number
Please Mr. Marsters
knock on my door
I can't believe you
when I can't see you
I just keep wanting MORE,

More naked Spike
More angry fights
More pretty songs
Less right, more wrong
More evil schemes
More sexy dreams
Lets have a Buffy-marathon
More candellight
More look, more touch
cause you can never have
too much SPIKE...

I love your coat,
your hair, your throath,
the way you smoke
and random joke
Seeing Spike is like a
little death
with every breath
I don't take

Please Mr. Marsters
give me your number
Please Mr. Marsters
tell me your sign
Please just say you'll
make it go away
I've been thinking about
what if you were mine...

Please Mr. Marsters
give me your number
Please Mr. Marsters
knock on my door
I can't believe you
when I can't see you
I just keep wanting MORE,

Wanna hear it... Go to :D (nyt toimii taas )