


Anticipating all the fucked up feelings again.

Diary of Idiocity - The endTorstai 23.12.2010 21:16

In the end I have realized what my mistake was, it was only that I wasn't myself. If I hadn't tried to be something... else... My life would be much brighter at the moment.
I don't know if it would've lasted but... I wouldn't have punished myself for all this time, thus losing more and more everyday.
By now I don't know if I have anything left... But I do know not to make the same goddamned mistake twice.
In the end I have learned my lesson, though hard it was. It took many friends lost to have realized it. Parhaps now I'll be able to build a future for myself to live in too.

My apologies and merry Christmas to all.

Here end the Diary of Idiocity.

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