i got... really excited today...
i was putting hairspray cans on the shelf at work and i thought to myself "fuck... i remeber trying to get that huge hairspray can from the city centre to Tuira..." and then i thought... fuck... i only have a month and a half to go before i come home... and then it was just some kind of happyness high from there on.
i cant exspress... how... how amazingly happy i am to be coming back to Finland. It never felt really real to me before, but now that its so... so close... i'm just buzzing.
its gotten to the point i'm not sad to leave any of my Australian friends behind, because i know their fine with out me and i'm fine with out them. i have photos of all my finish friends over my mirror at home and when i wake up and see it... i get such a happy feeling all over my body, because Finland was just... just home for me.
47 days... thats like.... wow... really wow....
thats not a long time. i wont have even been in Australia a year before ging back to finland, and i dont care. the only people i will miss will be my mum, stepdad and brother i think, that it...oh yeah and nanna welsh <3 who likes to buy my shoes XD god i love that woman X3
but yeah
its so amazing how much that place changed me, and the people (you guys all know who you are) they made me a better person. they taught me to actually like who i am, and how to have fun. They showed me what it feels like to be loved and how to love in return, and for that i will be greatful forever.
when i come HOME every day will be a party!