


is a crazy teapot

20days!Maanantai 11.08.2008 17:50

i have been watching the olympics lately... ok alot. i never used to but suddenly i find it so intresting. OMg for me! i only have 20 days left FUCKING finaly!
oh i cant wait to get on that plane! when i come home i want much hugs and kisses and humping! its not asking, its demanding!
i have realised something as well.... i have too many shoes... and can not take them all... which means D: i have to chose which ones i love the most and have the others sent over latter, like latter latter next year latter. i dont know if i can live with out all of my shoes...
i only have 2 weeks left at work... thank god about to exsplode there, want... to ... kill! people DX
i realise that i'm not a frienly person and i'm kinda a snob XD because i'm so funny about who i talk to now at work, i'm lucky me and my friends have some what taken over the store, yay for being old. this next few weeks will be so so soooo busy! because i have lori birthday, mum's birthday, My going away party, C.jays boy friends party... (i dont even know him, she is just making me go!)
i still dont know if i should one. buy and Ipod... or two. buy a phone. maybe i wait till i come to finland to get the phone so that it works wit my DNA sim.
weird, my finnish phone still gets text messages from DNA. pity... i dont know what they say XD
sooo yeah. i plan on tring to lose some weight before i come home i mean like... hmmm... 8KGS! is alot to gain, but Taryn at least lose 2KGS! gah.... i hate being fat, my boobs got bigger ( . )( . )
but... so did everything else... i miss being skinny... er... ish...
ok i'm always going to be a little fat but i miss being toned and having muscel. must starve self... must eat cotten and paper XD

also i hate girls... i think most of my friends are now 16 year old boys... girls are annoying. i like my fin girls.. duh and some aussie girls, but other then that,.... nope... dont like em... idiot, always acusing me of trying to steal her boyfriend... i would not touch him with a ten foot stick! not my fualt he likes me.. pah... idiot

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