dam it!
this song is stalking me!
and the sick part, now i love this song so much DX< too much!
ok so yeah.
i'm going back to australia...
there is nothing here for me any more and well.. i dont know if my heart can stand it any more, i always feel so sad that i cant have what i need, or that its kept from me. no... actually i half lie half truth. i am oing back to australia sadly, nothing i can do there. but next time i come back, which is next year, nine months from noooow! i will be back for at least two years as an Au pair (nanny... babysitter i guess) so... even though i have to leave, i'm comming back. and if yu people can keep loving me and holding me up against the wind, i'll come back to u i nine months and this time.. i wont be leaving. I'm comming back... because i can't live with out you my prince charming.