


is a crazy teapot
omg... i'm a copic whore now D:)
what ever went wrong!
and now... i just ... love brawl... i'm sick i tell u!
2 things i always said i would never try and now... i'm slightly addicted DX Nooooooo!!!!
i'm going to get fat... because we keep eatng such good food XD w are having drawing sessions at my appartment at night and some one cooks. last night as me, we had chicken tikka masala with capsicun and rice. 2night is capi's turn, and she doent feel like cooking so she is buying every one chinese!!!! yay... yep... i think i like being fat n_n i'm soft and hugable. who wants to hug a bony stick or sleep next to one, i'd be scared i'd poke my eye out on a rib.
hahah we also watch australias next top model and USA's every night while drawing... OMG i know alice wins in the aust verion... OMG SHE IS ANNOYING! "ahhh the musics too loud.. ahh i dont know how to cuddle... ahhh i always look sad and bored... ahh i'm stressed... ahh i'll get burnt... ahh i'm tired" NONE stop she whines and whinges!!! i wanna smack her one!
i like Annika... she's easyer to listen to ... and in the american one, the twins rock!!!
but we also watched dragon heart 2! or Vilmeinen lohikäärme 2 in finnish i think. its so weaaak and pathetic... but we just had to watch it XD
i wonder what we should watch tonight. we're all working on art to sell on the 18th at Valve\nuku whatever. so if u wanna porn up some of my stu-ff come see's. i have a few originals for sale as well as prints n_n

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