


is a crazy teapot
11 days... thats all i have left in finland... and its killing me inside. i try not to talk about it with people, but it keeps coming out of my mouth, i cant help it its all thats on my mind. and even worse... i only have 3 days left in Oulu.
i dont know how i'm going to manage a second time in Australia... i was so lonely and depressed last time, i dont want to go back to that. i love my family, and australian friends i do, but... i'm so misrable there... i dont wnat to go back, i cant stand it. when i was in australia everything was so different and i hated it, i couldnt find myself there... and being gone from finland for so long, when i came back... every one had changed, and i'm terrified...
that i'll end up alone in both worlds.

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