


is a crazy teapot

HelsinkiPerjantai 28.11.2008 20:17

yay so like i'm totally loving Helsinki!
the shopping is great i went to all the best stores.. i loved it in ivanhelsinki! and that other place that mert was talking about that akseli took me too. he said as soon as he saw my coths he was like... oh i know where you are going to want to go and when mrt was telling me to go i was not really listening cause i was so tired and so annoyed and sore and just in a bad mood... i spent like hours crying on mira when were were waiting for akseli to come and get me so yeah...
i had been pretty misrable yesterday
oh lol... walking around helsinki today... i dindt need to ring Hiu.... i ran into her. what to think, the chance of seeing hiu randomly while here... cool huh?
anyway onight i'm going to DTM with mira, Hiu, Akseli and anna, and some other people too i might think. and then tomorrow i shall get up early so that i can njoy my time in finland with my best friends before i have to be torn away back to horrible australia,... ok australia is not that bad... but no Mira's and merts and no tiia or minja... ahh my life is over... who is going to walk around shopping with me holding my and.. hat am i going to do with out my mert glove/jacket? die i should think...
so yeah.. .i hve to be at the airport by at LEAST 3:00 pm... so i will be leaving like... 2-ish i hould think so...
i dont wanna go ) :
i dont think i would like living in helsinki... it just feels.... weird... i dont know. i have never been bothered by big cities, after all i would move to adelaide in a heart beat in Australia.. but there is somehting about helsinki that is not... home... i like shopping here... but nothing else i think.
hahahahah Akseli brought me cafe moca.. Oulu is better XP
i have promised when i have own apartment he is going to come to oulu for a few days to judge oulu agaist helsinki moca... i'm so going to win this bahahahahah XP

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