


is a crazy teapot

still kicken it chinese style!Sunnuntai 30.11.2008 15:03

ack still fucking here...
i think i might kill and eat a chinese cuse i'm staving.
its really kinda scary soemtimes. mainly when i'm in the shops cause i'm not kidding when i say the people here almost crawl... there are so so so soooo many people all you see is a sea of black heads soem times... i have been hiding in some chairs watching cartoons... mazingly in english!
thank god.
but other the then that... my night muffin D': i had to eat it in one bite... one whole bite because they would not let me take it past customs... bastards... thatw as going to be my dinner so now.. now i'm hungry again...
i actually ran into some fins here, really nice boy he was.. and on my plane from finland there were a few other australians... but i dindt talk to them, because the way they talk makes my ears bleed DX.
i wonder how long i can get away with being on this computer. it didnt matter last time i was here on my way to finland.. cause i was here at like 4 in the morning... not much compitition... infact.. none, i was the only person walking around... like some kind of freak.
i miss showers already. i miss water and the snow.. yeah.. i miss the snow! its pretty... when its not dirty i guess....
i miss tiia and my bed and capi and her cookings <3
i miss minja and mira and mert.. my tresures...
i cant wiat for mira to come, i'm scard i'll get depressed agian in australia and not want to come... but if she comes and gets me i'm sure to come back... who knows, maybe... unlikely... i can finda boy to bring back.....

AHHH i'm so bored... i wi some one was here to talk with me... cause its so lonely and boring and now they have opened the windows and its cold and i have taken my tights off... so all the asians can look at my white girl legs XP
but if i dont wear somehting cool now... i will die! in australia!!!
ehh Australia...
i want to come home to Oulu... i want my other half...

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