


is a crazy teapot

hate hate hate this place!Tiistai 02.12.2008 16:31

1. saw tayla the other day and she was talking shit about me from across the road to her firends andeven had the balls and smile and glare at me
2. shopping with dylan today, brought new flip flops and shoes. and was having ever so happy time, when.. pardon me... SOME BLACK BITCH! SPAT ON ME. i didnt even know who she was. she just walked past and spat on me!
3. i got sent a hate message from an unknow phone today of a guy with hos own dick up his ass...

its so hot here... 30+ i'm about to die.
i might be getting a job at a mens clothes store... its not what i would call cool clothes... more like...dude i'm a surfer... or... my father D8

hate hate hate this place
miss miss miss you guys so much.
let me know whats happening...

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