i'm so upset.
i get bullied by the fuck face butcher at work all the time and now my boss has changed all my working times and i'm banned from this and that and now i cant go out at night because i have to work all night shifts instead of day... it utter pain. i cant stand it that i cant stand up formyself, every time i do i get punished more its not fair D''':
i broke down and started crying at work in the bathroom i cant take it any more i'm so stressed out
i miss mert so much it phisically hurts! i cant stand it i need mira back to make it all ok again D':
i'm so stressed about the visa and everything else.
i'm thinking of leaving my job the bullying is so bad he's so cruel and childish about everything and trys to make my life hell.
but where would i go, no one will hire some one for 3 months! and we're in a resesion every one is losing their jobs and no one has any money.. australia is like going into a depression.
i dont know what to do all i want to do is curl up in a ball and cry until its all over.
i feel sick i'm so upset.
i wanna come home...
but i cant..
i'm trapped