my boss is a dog
dude.. she had the balls to try and stope me getting my time off to spend with mira saying i lied... I DID NOT!
saying thatshe's the boss and she doesnt care what i'm doing i have to work and blah blah blah
so in the end we had a small bitch fight of the words and in the end she said to me "ahhhh i dont fucking care do what you bloody want, but you better fucking be here for stock take! (we count everything in the store)
grrrr.... this week keeps on getting better i'm sure X'D
anyway i faced the people talking crap about me... lets just say they will keep their mouths shut form now on, and one of the o' bitches that was making life hell for me.. get this... GOT KICKED OUT OF HERE HOUSE! and now has to leave the town and live with her mother in a town.. like ... 5 hours away... life has seen fit to do somehting nice for once ~<3
i think i need to go eat some chocolate and focus on moving stomach fat to my boobs.. yesss....
no actually i'm being healthy... i like-like.... jelly.. watch that booty wobble baby X'D
let us all now sit and pary that tomorrow it does not rain... since taryn must walk to work.. gleeeee