hmmmm still nothing huge to report, life seems to be going along kinda boringly and slowly. as u know, my town was like.. knee deep in water as we had a flash flood... and then.. after all the water went away... we had another one. we dont see rain in like.. 10000000 years and then we get a whole years worth in two days... go figure.
so yep. nothing that intresting, i did go to my familes party thing. my oldest cousin Danielle turned 25 and my uncel turned 50.. so we had a double party for them. i have never seeeeen so much food in all my life! nor have i eaten so much... in all my life.. i didnt really hang out with too many people just kinda sat and watched for most of it until people started to hand my jelly alcohol and other nasty crap.. after i was drunk i would playing sing star against my fave cousin jamie.. i killed him every time, in fact i spent the rest of the night with him after that.
i went swimming... for like the first time this year.. looked at myself in thr mirror at my marshmellow body and though.. ehkk. yuck, so put some shorts on and a sun top... it belonged to my aunt because i was still at their house the next day after the party, because there was still so much food!.. sadly.. the sun top, although pright pink/purple.. turned out to be see through and the water was cold... i could have poked out an eye.... so when ever i was out of the water, i had to cover my boobs with my hands or scar my brothers to death...
i still havent found a job.. it makes me sick to think about goingt o work for my old boss again, lets hope it does not come to that now shall we DX
i need to have... hmmmm.... 3000$ roughly before... soon! ok i think i have like... 4 months to get it, but still! need moneies!!!!
i have started to draw again.. alot... i just did... i think one of the most detailed pictures i have ever created, based on the song Poker face by Lady Gaga. only just after i had finished talking it with mery.. i find out.. my little brothers are like... inlove with lady gaga... and so i have been hearing that same song for 3 days straight now... so the pic.. ah my pride and joy at the momnet.
i cant wait for christmas... i know i'll probally get fatter on christmas, but fuck it i dont care! i can always lost it before i come home agian now cant i, and its not like I am trying to attract any one so there!
ahh... i miss you guys.
i have had falling outs with lorinda and my other friends live so far far far away...
you guys were not.. psychos!.. ish... but u guys were fun insane.. here.. its just annoying insane.
i miss shopping too...
hmmmm... i feel like ben a jerrys! i have bene CRAVING cheese cake brownies all week!!! yum.. icecream!
i would love to see and hear you guys again, but i have to wait until i have a job before i can call anyone, i could just never afford to call with out a job.. bastards... living so far apart.
i'm dying for Mira to come here... when i think about it.... i nearly pee myself X////D