


is a crazy teapot

OMGTorstai 20.08.2009 17:11

Guess what i did today.
something i havent done in like.. dam.. ages.. looong time...
i brought pantiesss!!!!
and le gasp
Mert would be so proud n_n
infact i spent over 200$ on movie and panties... because lets face it... no one wants to see that X'D
watch out world... (Finland) Taryns Ass grew... but at least its covered now

KOOOOTTTTTIIIII!!!!Keskiviikko 12.08.2009 07:50

i'm about to orgasim over an email

blaaaahTiistai 11.08.2009 10:53

well... Mira has left and i'm back in port augusta....
blah... life sucks
and tattoos hurt DX

mira in down-underSunnuntai 02.08.2009 15:36

Mira has been here for 2 weeks now... and it is easilly the BEST two week EVER!
ahhh... sweet joy. we spent sooooo much money on clothes and shoes in adelaide and went and held koala's and fed and pet kangaroos. i got mugged by roo's i think i had the whole zoo following me.
we have eaten... soooooo much. like.. so much its insane.
well... we ate kangaroo and tomorrow we eat crocodile... hmmm the fair came to town and we went on some really fast rides... mira came sooo close to throwing up on me... sevral times....
today we went for a drive to see dylan play foot ball and then drove to the top of the mountins... the veiw was.. gah beautiful.
we have both brought 1kg bags of fru-chocs and face masks and chips and chocolate and about 5 movies and we r having a movie night tonight after dinner.
tomorrow we r going to my nanna's beach house and fishing and looking for crabs and then the next day we r going on a dolphin boat ride... hmmm and motor bike riding and go-kart riding... also other stuff i guess and then friday afternoon we will go back to adeliade.. spend... more.. barhahhaha... and then spend the weekend there and then... and then.. gah... she has to go back on the 10th monday D: i'm sad already.. like.. totally sad....

GleeeePerjantai 17.07.2009 17:48

i'm sooo fucking COLd right now
why is it so cold D:
woot woot super uber ultra happyness mira is here wednesday!!!! earily too so i can take her shopping and eating... YAY!!!.. what.. 5 days for her... only 4 FUCKING DAYS FOR ME.
ahhhh... i think i might pee myself i'm so happy n_n

hmmmm....Torstai 16.07.2009 16:14

i think... that alot of my friends must think i'm stupid. because they lie to me... and dont think that i will find out.
And now days.... i'm past my anger.
And its more like just being very disapointed.
I like to think of myself as a very patiant and understanding person. i can usually see someone elses point of veiw rather easyily and because of that... i find it much easyer to understand and be forgiving...
however... even when i understand peoples actions... this does not mean i'm not very disapointed in them.
i'm sick of being lied to.

FUCKING STUPID HOE!Maanantai 13.07.2009 18:18

my boss is a dog
dude.. she had the balls to try and stope me getting my time off to spend with mira saying i lied... I DID NOT!
saying thatshe's the boss and she doesnt care what i'm doing i have to work and blah blah blah
so in the end we had a small bitch fight of the words and in the end she said to me "ahhhh i dont fucking care do what you bloody want, but you better fucking be here for stock take! (we count everything in the store)

grrrr.... this week keeps on getting better i'm sure X'D
anyway i faced the people talking crap about me... lets just say they will keep their mouths shut form now on, and one of the o' bitches that was making life hell for me.. get this... GOT KICKED OUT OF HERE HOUSE! and now has to leave the town and live with her mother in a town.. like ... 5 hours away... life has seen fit to do somehting nice for once ~<3

i think i need to go eat some chocolate and focus on moving stomach fat to my boobs.. yesss....
no actually i'm being healthy... i like-like.... jelly.. watch that booty wobble baby X'D

let us all now sit and pary that tomorrow it does not rain... since taryn must walk to work.. gleeeee

humans r stupidPerjantai 10.07.2009 20:03

you know what you try to believe in people and then they do something; really STUPID, LIE to you or BETRAY you and make you totally disrespect them.
there are about 8 people that have proven that today for me.
i'm so angry right now... so completely PISSED OFF that i'm shaking with rage it hard for me to even type.
i have about 0 respect for any of the 8 people i am thinking about right now!

num!Torstai 09.07.2009 15:26

bad taryn BAD!

pride MOFOS!Tiistai 07.07.2009 21:24

-happy sigh-
mira is cumin in 15 days.
i miss her even though i know she'll be here soon. i CAN NOT hid my sheer joy of seeing her!
Oh- CONGRATS CAPI on getting into school, you'll be a lovely little house builder i'm so proud of u, see i knew you could do it, when i come home we will have to go and have celebraton drinks together!!!
all my fins make me so proud n_n

i should be sleeping right now... but i cant.
i'm.... kinda hoping that by some luck... some one finnish will log on to msn and i'll have some one to talk to....
i dont like my chances....
i have to give a huge thanks to Tiia and Capu though for keeping me comany the last few months, they have been keeping in good contact with me and its nice to know i'm not forgotten >XP as i some times feel although i know its not true X3

hahah.. i'm going to do something nerdy. i'm going to AVcon, i wanna see my friends in their cosplay and i wanna see if they win, and while i'm at it i drew up some stuff to enter the art compitition... the prizes suck and i'll probally give it to some one else... but i wanna see if i can actually win something XP.

since its actually wednesday here now i should say today, i shall have my lunchen with Lori and Colleen and then i shall cook every one dinner, yay, i love cooking right now! :)

oh.. i have a shout out for some people. some can read it on here some cant.

"I'M MEAN BECUASE YOUR FUCKING STUPID! if u took ur head out of ur ass you'd realise this! Dont think you'll ever get me back as a friend because i wouldnt piss on fire to put u out! Fucking slut!"

felt good to get that off my chest :3
i dont need to say who it is, they will know who they are